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Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2006, 14:53

Scenery FÜR USA Flieger

Man findet nun immer öfter, je näher man der Veröffentlichung von FSX kommt, Addon´s die entweder für beide (FS9/FSX) oder doch zumindest ein verbilligtes Update für die USER anbieten so auch hier.

FlightScenery Releases : FlightZone 02: Portland


Along with four highly detailed photorealistic airports (KPDX, KHIO, KVUO, KTTD) and broad photoscenery coverage, this product includes a high resolution 18m. mesh, reworked coastlines and a custom landclass/waterclass.
Portland is an integrated approach, recreating a complete flying environment in which both GA and commercial pilots can enjoy flying. The scenery is built in concentric areas, each one adjusted to a level of detail that is in relation with the flying experience. All this with FlightScenery's "framerate friendly" approach. A FSX upgrade will be free of charge for FS2004 version owners.

Die Features werden folgendermaßen beschrieben:


PDX Portland Intl., OR
KVUO Pearson field, WA KHIO Portland-Hillsboro, OR
KTTD Troutdale, OR

And more than 20 reworked strips around KPDX (corrected elevation, flatten, etc.) Downtown Portland's main buildings remodeled, including two helipads (on top of US Bancorp Tower and World Trade Center buildings).

Photoscenery included: Approx. 1,500, from Battle Ground (WA) to Milwaukie (OR) and from Hillsboro (OR) to Troutdale (OR). All four seasons ( two versions of winter, normal and harsh winter ) and night, full autogen.

Animations: Road traffic around the main airports, animated marshallers and wing walkers at KPDX, animated wig-wags. Coastlines/Streams/Roads/Railroads: Reworked in a 10,000 area around KPDX. The same also goes for the landclass and waterclass.

Mesh: 100Mb ultra hires 18 meter mesh with multi-resolution.

Fully compatible with any 'road', mesh, LWM/VTP and landclass third-party products, provided they are accurately positioned.

hört sich gar nicht schlecht an und wenn man sich die Bilder auf der HP ansieht , recht ansprechend :thumb:
Die Bilder gibt´s H I E R auf der HP
Gruß Klaus

Mein PC:ASUS Max VI / i7-4770K @ 4,5 GHz/GIGABYTE GTX 760 4095 MB / G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1866 / WD Black 1 TB / Sys: 256 GB ForceGS /FSX: 500 GB 840 EVO / TM-Warthog / FSX - ACC / OS: Win 7 64-Bit


Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2006, 17:16

RE: Scenery FÜR USA Flieger


nochmal der Thread zum ersten Teil ;)


Und ein paar Screenshots von Portland ;)
