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Montag, 18. September 2006, 21:25

Captain Sim releast B757 Freighter

Neuigkeiten bei Captain Sim :)



This is a separate product and it can be installed to default MS FS2004 without any other '757 Captain' product pre-installed. The '757-200 Captain' Base Package (Block B) is highly recommended but not technically required. *


• HIGHLY DETAILED EXTERIOR MODELS are available in the following 9 variations:
RR = Rolls Royce RB210-535C Engines
PW = PW2000 Engines
- RR, Winglets, no VC, two Aircraft Loaders
- RR, Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Cargo Cabin, two Aircraft Loaders, no VC wings **
- RR, Winglets, VC Cargo Cabin, two Aircraft Loaders, VC wings
- RR, no Winglets, no VC, two Aircraft Loaders
- RR, no Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Cargo Cabin, two Aircraft Loaders, no VC wings **
- RR, no Winglets, VC Cargo Cabin, two Aircraft Loaders, VC wings
- PW, no Winglets, no VC, two Aircraft Loaders
- PW, no Winglets, VC Flight Deck and Cargo Cabin, two Aircraft Loaders, no VC wings **
- PW, no Winglets, VC Cargo Cabin, two Aircraft Loaders, VC wings • 9 Boeing 757 Freighter Model variations
• Improved Dynamic Wing Flex
• Wing Flap Vortices Effect **
• Blended Winglets
• Cargo Cabin Wing Views
• High resolution Textures of DHL and UPS livery
• 2 animated Cargo Loaders
• 15 animated cargo containers on the main deck
• 15 animated cargo containers on the lower deck
• 142 Custom Model Animations
• Exterior Model Systems Programming
• Aircraft Model Animation Control Panel
• 2 Load Manager Control Panels
• Simicons Panel
• Repaint Kit
• Exclusive Effects
• User's Manual
• Free Customer Support and Updates

Captain Sim nimmt dafür 19,99 USD :)
