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The Connie is coming...
We're pleased to announce that a new airliner is on its way - Lockheed's Constellation, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful aircraft ever built, and certainly one of the pinnacles of piston-engined civil air transport.
Constellation will be released both on DVD-ROM and as a Download.
The aircraft is currently in development by the Aeroplane Heaven team (whose P-38 Lightning should be released shortly!) and you can feast your eyes on a few in-development screenshots on the In Development page.
Full product details are still to be confirmed - more News as soon as we have it!
Work on a Constellation package for FSX, currently in development, is coming along nicely and a new set of external screenshots is available here.
This new version of the Connie is being developed by Aeroplane Heaven and, although there's no release date planned yet, we're hoping to have Lockheed's legendary airliner up in the air later on this year.
We'll keep you posted on progress...
Schade, das Aeroplaneheaven scheinbar ein anderes Projekt, die DeHavilland "Comet" II und IV beerdigt hat
The Constellation, with its beautiful curving lines and triple tails was a product of 1930s America and the headlong dash for superiority in wartime aviation technology. The aircraft embodies the power and the romance of the large piston-engined airliners of this period.
With 11 aircraft supplied in three model types and a complete Flight Engineer's station, radio station and Co-pilot's station, Constellation Professional is the ultimate Constellation package. Models inlcuded are the C-69 Military Transport Prototype, the C-69/L-049A, and the L-049A first production type.
A complete Virtual Cockpit is modelled and the flight model has been tested by real-world Constellation pilots. A replica of a typical cabin is included to provide a taste of what life was like aboard these great airliners.
Constellation Professional has been developed exclusively for FSX (SP2 & DX10 Preview compatible) and makes use of the all-new FSX graphics features to amazing effect.
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH