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Mittwoch, 6. September 2006, 16:17

JustFlight kündigt VFR Szenerie an

Hello !

Just Flight informiert über seine Zusammenarbeit mit Infoterra Ltd.

Zeitgleich mit der Veröffentlichung von FSX soll eine VFR Szenerie angeboten werden die England und Wales abdeckt.


V For Reality!

When Just Flight published VFR Photographic Scenery for FS2002 it was rightly hailed as a milestone product in terms of flight simulation on home PCs. Now Just Flight has teamed with Infoterra Ltd, a leader in the provision of aerial data, for the use of the GeoPerspectives(TM) countrywide archive, in order to produce another series of amazing photographic scenery packages for Flight Simulator X. GeoPerspectives(TM) is a joint venture between Infoterra and BlueSky International Ltd. VFR Real Scenery is currently in development and is due for publication at the same time as Flight Simulator X. It is set to radically transform the scenery of the British Isles for virtual pilots. Initial coverage will be of England and Wales with other areas promised in the near future. Watch this space!
