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What is SSTSIM?
Supersonic Transport Simulations, also known as SSTSIM, manufacture products for the Microsoft Flight Simulator series. With contribution from a whole range of resources, SSTSIM offers the most authentic Concorde simulation experience designed for the desktop computer. You will experience the sensation of flying the world's only commercial supersonic airliner with the aid of comprehensive tutorials and checklists. This is your opportunity to fly Concorde!
Not for a beginner...
It is easy to become overwhelmed or discouraged if you are not an advanced Flight Simmer. It is crucial that the manuals are studied carefully to fly this Concorde Simulation. This product is not for a beginner; or for one who only wishes to 'jump-in and fly'. It will take a number of weeks to learn how to pilot this machine; though the feeling of accomplishing a successful supersonic flight is incredibly rewarding.
Pilot resources
All the resources you all need to make your simulation as realistic as possible are included within the package; a detailed tutorial, aircraft operating manual, video tutorials, performance charts and calculation techniques, refuelling schedules and over 25 real world replica British Airways and Air France communication flight plans to provide a choice of destinations for your supersonic adventures.
Such an aircraft deserves superior support of which we take pride in delivering. Support is provided via our user forum where users can receive help both from others and the SSTSIM team. You all find our Frequently Asked Question message board helpful if you are just starting out. Alternatively support is provided via email, though users are encouraged to seek help via the forum beforehand.
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
The Übermensch
Wohnort: Lahnstein
Beruf: Student/Wikinger im ersten Ausbildungsjahr(Met-Verkostung und einfache Brandschatzung)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »What-A-Flight« (28. August 2008, 20:01)
Original von What-A-Flight
Den Threas muss man mal wieder rausholen!
Ich hab' bei "youtube" nämlich ein klasse Video gefunden! Ein quasi "In Memory Of Concorde" mit der SSTSIM Concorde!
Einfach ein Traum!
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH