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Montag, 30. Januar 2012, 17:25

Jim Dhaenens - Sheppard Air Force Base *Freeware*


die Base dürfte jedem ein Begriff sein...KLICK


Jim Dhaenens would like to announce the release of Sheppard Air Force for FSX. The air base was modeled with today's configuration and boasts over 175 custom models. The Training Command Tarmac is filled with static aircraft, and the Pilot Training Tarmac has its aircraft in the proper places.

This is a payware quality scenery. My NAS Sceneries have been licensed by MadCatz Games for their upcoming Flight Sim MMO game. This one will be as well. Mad Catz only needs a non-exclusive license and would like me to continue releasing these airports either commercially or as free downloads to offer the MMO players a practice area. I continue to own the copyrights. I'll be releasing my NAS's again as well.

zum Download