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Starting the engines - A step-by-step procedure:
Pre-start check:
Check that "low stop lever" is on "Ground" position and H.P.C levers are "off", and that neither prop is feathered. Also check that the prop brake is "off" and parking brake is set. Also ensure that the fuel trimmers have been set correctly.
- Select the engine you are starting with the "engine select" switch. Normally No. 2 engine (starboard) is started first.
- Switch Starter Master Switch to "start"
- Push Starter push button.
- Wait the starter motor to increase engine RPM to around 1200-1500 RPM, then move the H.P.C lever for that engine to "on".
- After ignition, wait for the engine to reach approximately 4000 RPM, then move the H.P.C lever to H.SWL.
- Keep your eye on the TGT gauge, and increase the fuel trim as necessary to keep the TGT below the red line.
- Repeat the procedure for the other engine
- After both engines are up and running set "Engine Select" to "off" and "Master Start" switch to "safe"[/list=1]
You'll leave the H.P.C levers at the H.SWL position for the taxi and takeoff. After you've stabilized the climb, you can move them back to the "on" position for the cruise phase. Once you're preparing for the approach, you'll move them back to the H.SWL. The H.SWL is referred in the checklists as "lock out".
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH