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UPDATE for Warbirdsim P-51D Restored Part 1!
Dear all,
A developer's update has been made available now through the Warbirdsim main site, available for download by all customers who purchased the P-51D Restored Part 1 product through Warbirdsim.
Simply log on to the Warbirdsim site using your existing download links, and re-download the new installer. For all future customers, the updates are already included. For those who have purchased the product through other vendors, the updates have already been included in your download.
IMPORTANT: Before installing the new files, please uninstall the product first.
- Minor cockpit modeling corrections
- Soundset refinements
- Higher-quality exterior textures (saved in 32-bit rather than DXT5)
- Chocks appear when the aircraft is parked, with the engine off, and parking brake set
- Pilot disapears when the aircraft is parked, with the engine off, and parking brake set
John Terrell
Chief Developer
Warbirdsim FSX P-51D 'Cadillac of the Skies’
Part 2 features 7 + 1 Bonus aircraft, individual P-51 aircraft (not repaints, actual modeled variants), that can be flown in FSX. These are the most perfect examples of one of the most attractive, successful and iconic fighters ever produced.
Eight Aircraft
Packard Merlin Sound Set
Full Livery Package (details below)
P-51 Mustangs:
P-51D-20NA 'Daddy's Girl'
P-51D-30NT 'Little Rebel'
P-51D-20NA 'Jumpin Jacques'
P-51D-25NA USAF FF-704
P-51D-25NT 'Buzzin Cuzzin'
P-51D (Cavalier Mk.II) 'It's About Time'
P-51D (CA-18 Mk.23) RAAF Museum A68-170
P-51D-25NA 'Moose/Candyman' (bonus aircraft)
3 different Propellers are modelled. The earlier cuffed Hamilton Standard blades. Hamilton Standard blades of the flat tip variety and the later wider rounded tip Aeroproducts type originally fitted to the P-51H, these are on P-51D-25NA USAF FF-704 .
P-51D-25NA Candyman/Moose has been added as a bounus as we have already featured this aircraft in Part 1. It is of course an earlier incarnation of 'Ferocious Frankie' as operated by the Old Flying Machine Company. Seen here in Part 2 in 357th Fighter Group colours as operated by the Fighter Collection from 1981 - 1999.
New P-51D Mustang - Little Friends
North American's P-51D Mustang is brought to life in part 3 of our series of this classic aircraft for FSX. Little Friends was the colloquial and affectionate label for the Escort Fighters as given by the Allied Bomber Pilots in World War II as they embarked on daylight raids to their targets, escorted by mainly US 8th Army Air Force Fighters of many types. The most commonly associated for this task is the P-51 Mustang. Because of its long range capabilities, large fuel tanks, and external fuel tanks, the P-51 was able to escort bombers deep into Germany. In this the most detailed of our part series on the P-51D Mustang, the only thing that is missing is the smell! Here the D model is modelled for the first time by Warbirdsim in its true original form. Featuring the most detailed Gunbay so far created for any Flight Simulator. All of the mounting brackets, ammunition feed chutes, link-ejector chutes, and shell ejector chutes for each individual 50-cal machine gun are accurately reproduced. For the rivet counters amongst us, even the number individual links in the ammunition feed chutes is correct.
Also Featured is a working 2 Stage Supercharger. Careful use of the power is needed; keep an eye on that manifold pressure and RPM, as the engine will quite literally blow up if due care and attention is not taken.
Eight Aircraft
Packard Merlin Sound Set
Full Livery Package (details below)
P-51D-10-NA ( 44-14798 ) "Butch Baby"
P-51D-15-NA ( 44-14985 ) "The Millie G"
P-51D-15-NA ( 44-15137 ) "Baby Duck"
P-51D-20-NA ( 44-63668 ) "Live Bait"
P-51D-20-NA ( 44-72218 ) "Big Beautiful Doll"
P-51D-20-NA ( 44-72366 ) "Hubert"
P-51D-25-NA ( 44-72671 ) "The Enchantress"
P-51K-15-NT ( 44-12653 ) "Factory Fresh RAF"
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Torsten« (6. Juli 2011, 22:03)
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