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Samstag, 11. September 2010, 08:18

Sachpreis für den SSB 09.2010

Ein weiterer Screenshotbewerb und ein weiterer toller Sachpreis ! Der aktuelle Bewerb mit dem Titel "Im Zeichen des Kranichs" wird diesmal von FalconBen gesponsort. Er stellt einen legendären Oldie zur Verfügung der unter allen Teilnehmern verlost werden wird :

Aeroplane Heaven / Just Flight : Tiger Moth

Hier geht´s zur Produktseite bei Just Flight :luxhello:


Samstag, 11. September 2010, 08:21

Die Tiger Moth hat einiges drauf :


General features
* Authentication from the dh Moth Club and the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.
* Wherever possible, the models are near-exact replicas of the real aircraft subjects.
* Any detailed changes in specifications such as autoslats, engine cowl or lights for a particular aeroplane are replicated in the model.
* Highly accurate flight modelling replicates correct airframe performance, stall moments and flying behaviour.
* Highly detailed 3D models of the dh82A Trainer, dh82A Civilian and dh82C Canadian version.
* Realistic artwork with 8 liveries
* Full virtual front and rear cockpits
* Opening access doors.
* Operating rear luggage hatch
* Authentic sound set
* Paint kit: PSD layered files for exterior paint for the DH82A Tiger Moth.

Detailed features
* Highly detailed, animated engines behind animated cowling panels.
* Working wing Autoslats (where fitted to particular aircraft)
* Animated Blind Flying hood
* Working “Windy” Airspeed indicator fitted to wing strut.
* Opening rear storage hatch.
* Fully animated control wires and undercarriage suspension
* Animated doors revealing detailed cockpits.
* Aircraft can be flown from front or rear seats.
* Animated pilot figures.
* Animated wheels, Elevators, Ailerons and rudder.
* Operating Blind Flying hood
* Animated front and rear pilot figures.
* Highly detailed flying wires and fittings, bottlescrews and brackets.

Aircraft included
* DH82A trainer:
* RAF- Yellow - DF-128 RCOU
* RAF- Camouflage - R-5130.
* RAAF - Forest Green – A17-459. L-TA
* RAAF- Silver/Yellow A17-207

DH82A Civilian
* G-ANLD Maroon/Silver
* G-AJHS Blue/White/Polished Alloy
* ZK-AUD Brown/Gold/Silver

DH82C Canadian
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum aircraft with covered cockpit.

Instrument panels
Highly authentic period panels and instruments in 2D and VC form all based on the real items for authenticity.

Virtual Cockpits
* Complete sets of smooth 3D modelled gauges with glass fronts
* Animated working controls including throttle, mixture, fuel cut-off and rudder pedals
* Working Autoslat locking lever control and pitch trim levers
* Working compass with operating bezel lock
* Authentic layouts exactly replicating real aircraft layouts.
* Working “Windy” Airspeed indicator on wingstrut

Vielen Dank FalconBen :hail:


Samstag, 11. September 2010, 12:05

Toller Preis :thumb:
Viele Grüße,
Lukas :winke:


Samstag, 11. September 2010, 18:14





Sonntag, 12. September 2010, 09:39

Na dann geh ich Kraniche jagen :pfeif:

Lauter Werkzeuge halt