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Hmmm..sounds like we might be able to store first parts of some routes as per the real INS. (My speculation only...I have no inside info...really!!!)
Big changes are afoot Mark. As Andrew says' it'll be worth the wait.
If you have any panel which is natively interfaced with the INS version 1.40 then DO NOT upgrade until you get an update supporting INS version 1.50.
Version 1.50 Gauges and SDK are NOT compatible with previous releases. Gauges using the INS SDK will have to be recompiled using the latest version of the.h and .lib files included in this package in order to become compatible with version 1.50.
Also dürfte es in nächster Zeit zu einigen Panelupdates kommen (wenn ich das so richtig verstanden habe
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Boeing-style HSI gauge for the CIVA 1.50 INS (V1.1 corrected)
File Description:
(V1.1--mag deviation errors corrected) Boeing-style HSI gauge and INS/VNAV selector switch which permit integrated HSI display of INS nav data in addition to standard VOR/LOC/DME data.
Designed specifically for version 1.50 of the freeware CIVA Delco Carousel INS gauges, available separately from
Works as a drop-in replacement for the Ready for Pushback B747-200 panel with the new version of the CIVA INS.
Designed for FS2004 -- may or may not work in FSX.
Delco Carousel IV-A INS
New Version 1.51 released!
Version 1.51 Build 2296, October 2007
Expiration Date: None.
SDK is fully compatible with version 1.50 (not with 1.40)
What has been fixed
- Problem #0021 June 12, 2007
Bug in SDK InsAutopilotControlState() API
Turning unit 'x' (1<=x<=3) ON does not automatically turn other
active units OFF.
- Problem #0022 June 15, 2007
Fix in SDK external BatParallel state management.
- Problem #0023 June 10, 2007
The SDK diagnostic gauge distributed in the package is still the same
distributed with version 1.40 and, since the SDK is not compatible, it
does no longer work with gauges version 1.5x. Now supplied gauge has
been recompiled to be compatible with current SDK version.
- Problem #0024 August 30, 2007
Serious bug found in the Data Save and Restore functionality. When INS
State Data is saved, the gauge also saves the dynamically allocated list
of ADEU files. When such data is reloaded, ADEU gauge can cause FS to
crash. Now the list is deallocated before saving/restoring data to disk,
and then reallocated.
- Problem #0025 September 15, 2007
Wrong management of PI value and simulated drfting.
Inertial platform drifting should not occur until the aircraft is moved,
even if INS is already in NAV Mode.
What's new
- CDU Mouse Wheel support
Added mouse wheel support to:
- CDU Data selector knob
- CDU Dim control knob
- CDU Waypoint/DME selector
- ADEU filename selectors
Now they can be operated both with the left mouse button, as before, and with the mouse wheel.
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH