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Neue Piper PA-18/L-21 Super Cub
Piper PA-18/L-21 Super Cub von Flight Replicas für FSX
Preis: $39.95 (US)
Screens von Flight Replicas
Super Cub - Complete Package
Want the full Super Cub experience, to be able to explore every facet of what still makes the Super Cub one of the most popular aircraft in the world? Then this is the package fore you.
The complete package contains 18 models, to let you explore a vast range of operations and flying experiences.
Click on the orange header to view screenshots and information about aircraft in that section.
Only the price (above) on this page is relevant if buying the Complete Package.
Super Cub - Standard Variants, including Early and Military
1. Early - 95 hp
2. Standard - 150 hp
3. Standard with Carbon-fibre Wheel-Skis - 150 hp
4. Standard with Amphibious Floats - 160 hp
5. L-18 Military - 95 hp
6. L-21 Military (two versions) - 150 hp
Super Cub - Deluxe IFR Amphibious
7. IFR equipped on Amphibious Floats w. square instrument panel – 180 hp
Super Cub - Classic Bushplanes
8. Classic Bush Plane on 32” wheels
9. Classic Bush Plane on Edo 2000-type Floats
10. Classic Bush Plane on Federal-type Skis
11. N8050C on 26” wheels – 150 hp
12. N8050C on Edo 2000 floats – 150 hp
13. N8050C on Federal skis – 150 hp
Super Cub - Extreme Bushplanes
14. Bush Plane on 35” wheels - 150 hp
15. Bush Plane on 32” wheels w. square instrument panel – 180 hp
16. Extreme Bush Plane on 35” wheels w. thrust line mod – 180 hp
17. Extreme Bush Plane (L-21) on 35” wheels w. square inst. panel - 180 hp
18. Extreme Bush Plane (Experimental) on 36” wheels w. squared wings, droop aileron system, square instrument panel – 210 hp
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »espenlaub« (12. Januar 2010, 16:52)