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Zitat von »MarcelFelde«
Hello everyone,
Below are some pictures of the complete new Diamond DA20-100 add-on for FSX which will be published by Aerosoft. The project is still under development and I will show you more details gradually.
Beside high-end modeling, texturing and extensive animations, the ‘Katana’ will feature authentic systems simulation and maintenance options. And of course realistic flight modeling by Alexander Metzger.
Was für Features kann man bei einer Kacksana erwarten?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ManuLOWI« (28. Mai 2010, 04:30)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »***chopsuey***« (26. Mai 2010, 18:35)
Nicht zu vergessen, hier geht es um die virtuelle Katana, die einen vielversprechenden Eindruck macht.
Wenn wir jetzt weiter über Pro und Contra von Katana vs anderer Flieger in real diskutieren wollen, würde ich vorschlagen, das in einem eigenen Thread im Bereich Real Aviation oder eben dem Stammtisch zu tun. Da können wir das dann ad infinitum mit Fakten austragen, ich hätt die Manuals sämtlicher erwähnten Typen hier auf dem Tisch.
Zitat von »Marcel Felde«
Zitat von »MarcelFelde«
A few information on the KX125 TSO:
- Fully operative.
- Three modes selectable: CDI, BRG and RAD.
- OBS is independant from the OBS of the NAV1 indicator (see picture).
- Auto-TO Mode.
- Frequencies can be entered as standby (see NAV in picture) or directly (see COM in picture).
- The unit can be turned off and has its own circuit breaker. The avionics bus is also simulated with switch, circuit breakers etc.
- Display can be backlighted and is a little influenced by the voltage the unit is operated with.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Nico081« (1. Juni 2010, 21:03)
Zitat von »MarcelFelde«
Some details on the canopy:
The 'roof' can be opened and closed steplessly. Not only the user can move the canopy: wind from the propeller and airstream are also able to actuate it. So it is essential to lock the canopy which can be done for each side. Of course you can't close it completely if you pushed the lock levers forward before pulling the frame down.
Zitat von »MarcelFelde«
What you see is the main screen of the 'instructor station'. The menu on the left lets you switch between the different pages for different systems.
With the buttons right of the menu you can prepare the aircraft for different phases of flight within a second.
Additionally there are different informations about the aircrafts position, weather etc. Some clocks and timers will be added. Perhabs you have an idea about what could be usefull too if there is some area left...
A second screen: The electrical system. The schematic circuit diagram is clickable and you can directly see the result of your action. For example the generator is not only dependent of one switch: You need power on the bus bar, there are circuit breakers - and below a certain RPM it will still not be productive. Here it is easy to see or to create a problem. In the cockpit it is not so obvious...
Zitat von »MarcelFelde«
At least a little visual progress: Refueling can be done as some kind of "mini-game": You have to open the Cover, pull the pistole to the tank opening and than wait while the fuel flows into the aircraft until the desired level or the financial limit are reached. Clickable exterior models would be great...
Zitat von »MarcelFelde«
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH