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Russian MD-11F Freightdog

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Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007, 21:18

World Airways least 747C

Die Fluggesellschaft World Airways gab gestern bekannt, 2 Boeing 747-400C zu leasen.


PE ACHTREE CITY , Ga. (Dec. 20, 2007) – World Airways, a subsidiary of Global Aero Logistics Inc., has signed agreements with subsidiaries of Aircastle Limited (NYSE: AYR) for long-term leases of two Boeing 747-400 freighter aircraft, with expected delivery dates in March and October 2008. World Airways was the first customer for the Boeing 747C convertible cargo/passenger aircraft in 1973, and World eventually operated or leased a total of four passenger and cargo 747s,” said Rob Binns, chief marketing officer. “Those 747-100s left the World Airways fleet by 1983. Today we welcome the return of the 747 to meet the growing global cargo demands of this decade and beyond.”
The Boeing 747s will join the growing World Airways cargo fleet, which consists of six MD-11F and two DC-10-30 freighters.
Aircastle Limited is a global company that acquires and leases high-utility commercial jet aircraft to airlines throughout the world.
World Airways provides customized transportation services for major international passenger and cargo carriers, the United States military, major freight forwarders and international leisure tour operators. Founded in 1948, World operates a fleet of 17 wide-body aircraft to meet the specialized needs of its customers. For information, visit .

Quelle: World Airways