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Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 16:00

PMDG MD 11 für den FS9



I thought I'd give you all a quick update on progress with the PMDG MD-11 for FS9, and the simultaneous FSX update.

Currently, we are projecting a release that will definitely take place during 2008, and most likely take place before Christmas. At least- this is according to our current progress rate, and of course could change if we run into something unexpected during final testing!

We have issued BETA 3 to our testers, and we project BETA 4 to go to them on Monday. We'll be testing a release candidate by late next week, so the wrap up to release is coming pretty quickly.

We hit what was virtually a complete standstill for nearly six weeks while Vin and Michael worked to try and resolve shortcomings in the Virtual Cockpit within FS9. Specifically, we were forced to eliminate the dimmable lighting from the FS9 VC because the antiquated export tools at our disposal for FS9 simple wouldn't convert a project that included all that extra feature load. We have found a good middle ground with the back lighting and the panel flood lighting that, when we finish tuning, will look very nice- and indeed looks significantly better than the original PMDG 737 or the 747-400 for FS9...

We decided to invest a significant amount of time into researching if there were other techniques we could use to bring the dimming into FS9- but it simply FS9 simply couldn't handle a model of that complexity. (So no- there will not be wing views... we are using all the polys and vertexes in the VC where we anticipate most customers will spend their time!)

Pete is busy converting all 75+ liveries from FSX to FS9 standards- and I'll be spending my weekend building those installers. You can anticipate that we'll start making the liveries available for download once the beta team has had a chance to test drive them and make sure they work.

In the mean- time, we have been monitoring feedback on the FSX MD-11 that was released two months ago, and this has caused us to find/fix a few items in the MD-11 that are applied to both the FS9 and FSX. Our plan right now is to release an update for the FSX airplane virtually simultaneously with the release of the FS9 version. This update will not add significant new functionality- but it will correct a few items that we've run across that were noteworthy.

Our development plan is to add some new features and further updates to both the FS9 and FSX versions in/around April 2009...

Okay- I think that covers most of the details for tonight- I hope you are all having a nice weekend and I'll bring you more information as soon as I have it!


Das freut mich mal.....
Dann kann die Box auch nicht mehr weit sein, und ich kann guten Gewissens meinen FS9 komplett plattmachen und neu aufsetzen. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 16:02

Gibt es dann auch eine Ausgabe, die die Version für beide Flusis enthält?

Zweimal 60€ wollte ich nicht ausgeben :S
mfg Max

Hardware: Apple iMac 27 Zoll; i7@ 2,8 GHz; 8 GB RAM; ATI Radeon 4850 mit 512 MB VRAM; 1 TB HDD

Software: Mac OSX 10.7 Lion; X-Plane 9


Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 16:04

Logo gibt es die!


"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 16:17

JUHU! :luxhello:

Aber auch nur als Download, oder hab ich da was übersehen?

PS: Aber die 747 gibt es so nicht oder wie? ;(
mfg Max

Hardware: Apple iMac 27 Zoll; i7@ 2,8 GHz; 8 GB RAM; ATI Radeon 4850 mit 512 MB VRAM; 1 TB HDD

Software: Mac OSX 10.7 Lion; X-Plane 9

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »max1806« (14. Dezember 2008, 16:18)


Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 16:19

Bei flightandfun ist ein Bundle angekündigt, das beide Versionen beinhaltet, und das kostet 99,95 €uronen!

Edith sagt, dieses Bundle ist für den Februar 2009 avisiert!

Edith hat vergessen zu erwähnen, daß es kein Bundle von der 747 gibt!

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 18:48

YIPPEE YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!! :luxhello: :luxhello: :luxhello: :luxhello:
Gruß, Roman


Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008, 18:53

YIPPEE YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!! :luxhello: :luxhello: :luxhello: :luxhello:

Etwa so war mein erster Gedanke! :lol: :lol: :bier:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Montag, 15. Dezember 2008, 14:11

Bei flightandfun ist ein Bundle angekündigt, das beide Versionen beinhaltet, und das kostet 99,95 €uronen!

Edith sagt, dieses Bundle ist für den Februar 2009 avisiert!

Edith hat vergessen zu erwähnen, daß es kein Bundle von der 747 gibt!
Vielen Dank für die guten Nachrichten :bier:
Und schönen Gruß auch an Edith :lol:
mfg Max

Hardware: Apple iMac 27 Zoll; i7@ 2,8 GHz; 8 GB RAM; ATI Radeon 4850 mit 512 MB VRAM; 1 TB HDD

Software: Mac OSX 10.7 Lion; X-Plane 9