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Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007, 09:43

MAAM bringt Update der Douglas R4D/DC-3/C-47

Hello !

AVSIM meldet :


For those of you who have been on the flight simulation scene for a number of years will be familier with MAAM-SIM. This particular group have announced they are now delivering a new edition of their famous Douglas R4D/DC-3/C-47.

Since appearing on the scene in 1999, they have provided all patches and updates for free and are constantly making improvements to their aircraft. Thier upgrades are available on both CD and download. These recent updates are for FS2002 and FS2004. To find out more about the latest updates, and see 100's of screenshots of their aircraft, visit the MAAM-SIM website



The original CD included MAAM's own #50819, a U.S. Naval Air Transport Service R4D-6, powered by 1350 hp P&W 1830-94 engines, purchasers of the CD will also receive two new civil DC-3's. Both are equipped with 1830-92's of 1200 HP and have their own flight models and instruments appropriate to the power plants. Each also has it's own, distinctive model and virtual cabin.

Screenshots und mehr Infos gibt es HIER


und noch was :


We will be issuing a free upgrade patch for FSX very soon! In fact, it's passing final beta testing right now. This patch will update all 16 of the planes in this new 9th Edition CD, so you will be able to install directly from the CD into FSX. Then all you have to do is download and run the patch (it will be about 8MB), and fly all the 'Gooney Birds' in the new sim. Get yours now!


Montag, 19. Februar 2007, 12:55



...und nun auch das FSX-Upgrade :luxhello:

FSX Basic Compatibility Update

Hier gehts zum Download des Upgrades, das "for free" ist :thumb:
D.h. einmal "spenden" und in FS9 und FSX fliegen :flieger:




wcf.user.posts: 1 135

Wohnort: EDDK

Beruf: Schulbankwarmhalter in der 10. Klasse einer Realschule

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Montag, 19. Februar 2007, 13:10

Das Klingt ja nicht schlecht. :luxhello: :luxhello:

Ich hab die CD nämlich noch irgendwo. Dann muss ich sie noch mal dringend installieren.
Um seinen Traum zu verwirklichen muss man nur aufwachen.
Wache auf, das Leben ruft.
Man soll nie aufhören zu fragen. (Albert Einstein)


Stop pumping the yoke!

wcf.user.posts: 5 972

Wohnort: Vorfeld

Beruf: Quälgeist der Luftfahrt

  • Nachricht senden


Freitag, 2. März 2007, 12:11

Tolle Updates, leider lassen sie sich bei mir nicht installieren.... :banghead:
Die Installationsroutine meldet, das sie meine DC3/C47 nicht finden kann...obwohl alles da ist. :hm:

Kann ich halt nur die Basic Maschinen fliegen...und ein paar Add-On Liveries.

Wer sich unter der MAAM DC-3/C-47 nichts vorstellen kann.....hier mal ein paar Bilder:

Mistwetter...(Nebel) und ein kotzender Motor Nr.2...toller Tag für einen Flug von St.Malo (F) nach Cranwell College (UK).
Straighten up and fly right!
"Runway left behind and altitude above are useless..." Al "Tex" Johnston


Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011, 14:14


Seit Oktober 2010 ist die 10th Edition erhältlich... :love2:


The latest edition of the storied MAAM-SIM Douglas R4D/DC-3/C-47 add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator includes a dedicated automatic installer for FSX. The FS2002 version has finally been dropped from the package.

The FSX package is a port-over version of the FS9 version of the package modified for Flight Simulator X. It is compatible with all editions of FSX, including Service Pack 2 and the Acceleration. Essentially, what you get is the complete FS9 package with the FSX Basic Compatibility Upgrade and SP2 Transparency Fix already included in an automatic installer so that no further patching is required.
