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Samstag, 20. August 2011, 16:47

Red Arrows - Crash in Bournemouth


London - Das Unglück ereignete sich nach einem Bericht des englischen Senders Sky News in der Nähe des Flughafens Bournemouth. Über mögliche Tote oder Verletzte gibt es bisher keine Informationen. Die Gruppe gehört zur britischen Luftwaffe, der Royal Air Force. Das britische Verteidigungsministerium sagte, es habe einen Vorfall gegeben. Man untersuche die Angelegenheit. Weitere Kommentare wurden nicht abgegeben.
Die Kunstflieger hatten ihre Vorführung über dem Meer absolviert. Zuschauer berichteten laut "Daily Telegraph", die Maschinen hätten mit pinkfarbenem Rauch Herzen in den Himmel gemalt.
Ein Mitarbeiter der BBC sagte, er habe nur acht der neun Maschinen der Kunstflugstaffel landen sehen. Er gehe davon aus, dass die Maschine "Red 4" beim Dorf Throop in der Nähe eines Einkaufszentrums abgestürzt sei. Polizei und Rettungswagen waren vor Ort.
Das "Bournemouth Air Festival" findet jährlich statt. Der Beginn der Veranstaltung war in diesem Jahr wegen heftiger Regenfälle und Überflutungen um einen Tag verschoben worden, berichtete die BBC. Am Samstag war eine Vorführung der Red Arrows zwischen 12.30 und 13.30 Uhr Ortszeit vorgesehen. Die Organisatoren teilten mit, die Veranstaltung gehe wie geplant weiter.



A Red Arrow jet has crashed near Bournemouth airport, according to defence sources, as the annual air festival is taking place.
A Twitter account for the Bournemouth Air Festival said: "We are aware of the situation with the Red Arrows - will update you accordingly."
Police have confirmed they are dealing with "an incident" in the area although would not immediately give any details.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) also said it is investigating.
Andy Martin, from the Bournemouth Daily Echo said he was 500 yards from the accident scene, and the area where the plane reportedly crashed was "locked down" by emergency services.
Eyewitness Laura Goodwin said she could see a police helicopter and a coastguard helicopter in the air.
She had been watching the display, and said she saw the red arrows coming in.
"One went one way, one went the other and then did not come back up," she told Sky News.


"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Samstag, 20. August 2011, 23:59


MOD confirms the death of Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging of the Royal Air Force aerobatics team (The Red Arrows)
It is with sadness that the MOD must confirm the death of Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging of the Royal Air Force Aerobatics Team (The Red Arrows). Flight Lieutenant Egging was killed when his Hawk T1 aircraft - Red 4 - crashed around 1km South East of Bournemouth Airport at 1350 on Saturday 20 August 2011.
A full Service Inquiry into the details of the crash has been initiated. It would be inappropriate to speculate on the causes of the incident at this time.
Group Captain Simon Blake, the Commandant of the RAF's Central Flying School, said:
"Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging, known as 'Eggman', joined the Team as Red in the Autumn of 2010. A gifted aviator, he was chosen to fly in the Red 4 slot, on the right hand outside of the famous Diamond Nine formation - an accolade in itself being the most demanding position allocated to a first year pilot. Throughout his winter training and the display season to date, his professionalism, skill and humility have shone through.
"A true team player, his good nature and constant smile will be sorely missed by all. In such a close knit team, this tragedy will be keenly felt by his fellow team members, the Reds and all of the engineering and support staff, the Blues."

Air Vice Marshal Mark Green, Air Officer Commanding 22 (Training) Group, said:
"I first met Flt Lt Jon Egging in 2003 when I became his Station Commander. Even at that early stage in his career, Jon's professionalism, competence and ever present smile made him stand out from the crowd. Hence, his eventual selection for duties with the Red Arrows came as no surprise. His time with the Team was typified by the characteristics that were Jon's trademark: professionalism, enthusiasm for life and a willingness to help others that transcended all boundaries. Jon will be sorely missed by all those that had the privilege to know him; our thoughts and prayers are with Jon's family and friends at this tragic time."
Flight Lieutenant Egging, aged 33 from Rutland, flew the Harrier GR9 before joining the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team. Jon became interested in flying at an early age, inspired by his airline pilot father who used to take him 'down route', allowing him into the cockpit for take off and landing. Jon is survived by his wife, Emma.


"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Sonntag, 21. August 2011, 10:48

Das ist sehr, sehr traurig! ;(

R.I.P, "Eggman"!

Die Red Arrows gehören zu den wenigen, die ich mal live gesehen habe, wenn es auch nicht auf einer Airshow war!