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Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010, 19:22

Combat Planes - Albatross Pilot

Moin moin,

Combat Planes Inc. hat für die sagenhafte Lotus L-39 eine Sammlung an Missionen veröffentlicht.


Albatross Pilot for Microsoft FSX

Albatross Pilot for the Lotus Simulations L-39C adds five adventure flights for the Albatross pilot. A series of five missions begins over the Netherlands and continues northward to Rygge in Norway.

The L-39 was designed in the late 1960s, and made its public debut at the Paris Airshow in 1969. Following the airshow, it entered service with the Czechoslovakian Airforce in 1972. The L-39 quickly became the world's most successful and heavily exported jet trainer of all time. Eventually more than 4000 samples were produced.

Although production ceased in 1988 over 900 L-39s remain in service today. Following the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s several hundred aircraft were sold as military surplus and entered private ownership around the world. Some fine examples now make regular appearances at airshows everywhere. The L-39C is also flown by several aerobatic teams, including the famous Breitling Jet Team and Vjazma Rus Aero Club.

From a design and engineering standpoint the L-39C has been often imitated. Various improvements and redesigns have occurred throughout its production life, resulting in the ZO, ZA and MS models. These feature improved avionics, more hardpoints, and strengthened structures. The changes and improvements ultimately led to the development of the L-159 Alca (Advanced Light Combat Aircraft).

Now Combat Planes brings your L-39 experience to life. Your virtual co-pilot handles the communications as you interact with ATC and Ops over the Netherlands on your way to Rygge.

When you reach your destination you enter into one of the many uses of a NATO trainer: systems testing. You will fly in a test of Norwegian defences as well as combat exercises. Some of your flights will require an Instrument Flight Rating, and for Acceleration users one flight will require hooking up with the tanker.

Weather wil vary considerably. All missions are under one hour. A couple of missions will involve system failures. Be warned that you will often fly over fifteen thousand feet so you will need oxygen.

Lotus Simulations has built a beautiful aircraft, with the finicky nature of an aircraft that lacks an Autopilot, and the fine handling requirements of an aircraft that is slightly underpowered for its wing loading.

Most missions will require you, the Pilot, to make some choices via pop-up menus. Most missions contain one or more random triggers, so reflying the mission will give you different results. With five flights and a few choices along the way, your flight plan is filed and the engines are warm: are you ready to fly?

System Requirements

Any computer flying FSX with the Lotus Simulations L-39 installed may fly this mission set. You must have either SP2 or Acceleration installed.

Preis: 18.98 EUR bei

P.s. Mich hat ein wenig diese Mission abgeschreckt...


,and for Acceleration users one flight will require hooking up with the tanker.

Sehr realistisch.... :sagnix: