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  • »jodlherz« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 2 513

Wohnort: LOLW - Wels

Beruf: Passagierdienst - Austrian Airlines

  • Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010, 15:21

[IVAO GB] Online Week

From Monday 19th July until Sunday 25th July, each evening between 1700Z and 2100Z, we are aiming to have all our airspace lit up just like we do each Thursday during our online night. This is a perfect opportunity to experience the delights of the United Kingdom. Don't miss it!

The aim of the UK division is to be one of the most active divisions online on the IVAO network. We want people to look at the UK and think that during peak times, there is always ATC online and it is a place they love to fly to. We want to prove that if the ATC is online, pilots will come.

We therefore, plan to staff the UK as much as possible over the period of 1 week to show to the global IVAO world that the UK is the place to fly to. This can't be done without the help and support of our controllers.

We really believe that 4 hours of great coverage per night should be easy to achieve. We hope that after this week of coverage, it shows to everyone that if we log on and control, pilots will fly. Are you up for the challenge? We certainly are!

Please enter your bookings in the IVAO Scheduling System

We will not be assigning positions for this event. Once you have booked a position in the scheduling system, that position is yours to control on for the duration selected. Please try and spread the coverage around as much as possible. We would also appreciate it if you didn't book the same position each night. It's only fair that all controllers in the division get the opportunity to control on some of the more desired positions.

See you there!

You can find out here where is being controlled and when:
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return"
- Leonardo da Vinci


Samstag, 17. Juli 2010, 17:12

Also wenn die das durchhalten ne Woche lang voll Flugbetrieb zu machen ist das ne gute Sache :thumbsup:
Werd ich auch mal vorbeischauen ;)
Gruß Philipp


Sonntag, 25. Juli 2010, 14:49

Ich habe vorgestern vorbeigeschaut und kann nur sagen: ATC vom feinsten! ;)
Lohnt sich wirklich, heute zum Abschluss nochmal vorbeizufliegen.

Frederik / Bane


>FS9.1 >FSX+SP1+2 >Asus P5Q >Intel C2D E8500 >2GB Corsair DDR2 RAM 1066MHz
>Nvidia Geforce GTX 260 896MB >Windows 7 64-biit

"Flieger sind Sieger!"



  • »jodlherz« ist der Autor dieses Themas

wcf.user.posts: 2 513

Wohnort: LOLW - Wels

Beruf: Passagierdienst - Austrian Airlines

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 26. Juli 2010, 00:08

Also ich denke, es war ein wunderbares "Event". Und ich hoffe, es hat einigen von euch Appetit gemacht mehr in England herum zu fliegen.

Mal hoffen, dass die nächste UK Online Week bald stattfindet ;)
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return"
- Leonardo da Vinci