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Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2008, 15:57

Ankündigung: Alphasim - Sepecat Jaguar FS9/FSX


Die Ankündigungwelle bei Alphasim scheint kein Ende nehmen zu wollen. :luxhello:

Diemal werfen wir einen "ersten Blick" auf die Sepecat Jaguar (KLICKEN)


Bet you didn't see this one coming

The detailing is astounding, the screenshots show only the 'clean' one, but a huge range of weapons loadouts will be in the final package, as well as multiple schemes of course. Pack 1 will feature the RAF models, Pack 2 the French and Pack 3 the 2-seaters. All 3 Packs will be individual products. For FS9 and FSX SP2/Accel. The v-c is also superbly detailed with many custom gauges and new features, we'll show shots of that once it's been fully textured. Models by Dave Hanvey / Paul Barry, FSX conversion by our 'FSDSMan' and those mind-blowing textures by the great 'AlphaSim-Remi' - Enjoy :

Quelle: Alphasim-Forum