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Air Berlin


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Freitag, 31. August 2007, 18:39

TSS - Saab340 Soundpack

Guten Abend!

Seit kurzem gibt es bei Simmarket ein neues Soundpackage aus dem Hause Turbine Sound Studios. Hierbei handelt es sich um Sounds für die Saab 340. :thumb:

Das Paket gibt es hier für EUR 8.93 zu kaufen.

Und hier noch ein Video mit Demontration des Sounds


Originally designated as the SF340, the aircraft first flew on 25 January 1983. After Fairchild exited the aircraft manufacturing business in 1984 the designation was eventually changed to 340A. An improved version, the 340B, introduced more powerful engines and wider tailplane tips in 1989. The final version, the 340B Plus, incorporated improvements that were being introduced at the same time in the Saab 2000, and was delivered for service in 1994.

One of the improvements introduced in the 340B Plus was the installation of an active noise control system in the cabin, reducing noise and vibration levels by about 10db to the passengers when in mid flight. The first ever 340B Plus was delivered new to Hazelton Airlines in Australia in 1995 and later operated for Regional Express and will be operating for Japan Coast guard eventually. Another change from earlier models was the moving of the lavatory compartment from the aft of the passenger cabin to just aft of the flight deck. This increased total available cargo volume as the original location intruded into the cargo bin area. The Saab 340 typically seats from 30 to 36 passengers, with 34 seats being the most common configuration. The last 2 Saabs ever built were older configuration 36 seaters.

Powered by two General Electric CT7-9B Turboprops giving 1735 Shaft Horse Power each, we bring you the raw sound of these engines as captured "live" by TSS from feet away thanks to the kind co-operation of Billund Airport, Denmark.

Viele Grüße,