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Freitag, 13. Januar 2012, 14:24

Milviz F15 probleme :(


Ich bin mir jetzt leider nicht sicher ob das hier her gehört. Allerdings brauche ich euche hilfe.

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Nun, ich habe mir gerade die Milviz F15 gezogen und musste mir wegen Zeit mangel bis heute gedulden um den Flieger zu installieren. Und nun sowas :S Ich weiss echt nicht was ich falsch gemacht habe. Ich habe das flugzeug ganz normal von der Webseite geladen, dann via Reg. und Kreditkarte (39 dollar) bezahlt. Dann wurde das Flugzeug in ein Ordner extrahiert. Dann wurde der Installer aktiviert und das ganze in den FSX installiert. Beim Aufstarten musste ich dann noch 2 DLL files aktivieren und das wars.


Freitag, 13. Januar 2012, 14:26

diesen Text habe ich noch von Milviz per email erhalten. Aber da mein englisch mehr als schlecht ist verstehe ich eigentlich nicht, was die Jungs von mir wollen. Aber soweit ich das verstanden habe, hat das nichts mit meinem Problem zu tun ?


First off I would like to say thanks for purchasing the F-15E. It was a labour of love that is now having some teething issues. If that is you, then before you panic (or return the plane) please read below!

1) the first issue is usually the weapons not showing up. This is caused by a mistake in the installation procedure in that, if you have UAC on (or sometimes all the time), it will abort.

Either you manually edit a file as per below or you run the installer.exe located in Microsoft Flight Simulator\SimObjects\Airplanes\Milviz F-15E\uninstaller manually (this will do the trick). NOTE: NOT THE UNINSTALLER!!!!

If you have Windows XP, please contact me personally (by responding to this email, and I will help you to install it)

You can then check your dll.xml to see if the following lines were added. This is located in

C:\Users\YOUR NAME HERE\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX


before the +/SimBase.Document> entry

You should see TWO dll requests when you restart FSX. If you do not or you only see one, recheck to make sure that you entered the text properly.

2) If you are not seeing any of the liveries, then you need to replace your aircraft.cfg with this one:-----------------------------------
Do not do the following unless you are comfortable with editing cfgs and potentially, messing up your installation.

3) The eyepoint is an issue for some. For most people, including myself, we are too close to the HUD and UFC. To change that, adjust your aircraft.cfg as follows:

eyepoint = 21.8, -0.005, 2.1
//eyepoint = 22.4, -0.005, 2.1
//eyepoint = 0 , 0 , 0

Do not do the following unless you are comfortable with editing cfgs and potentially, messing up your installation.

4) if you wish the tailhook to function, in the same file modify the following lines:

tailhook_length = 7
tailhook_position = -14.50, 0, -2.40
//tailhook_length = 4
//tailhook_position = -23.50, 0, -9.60
cable_force_adjust = 1

5) Using dumb bombs, users are not seeing the explosions. This is a known issue and will be fixed in the SP.

6) In MP some users are experiencing issues with other not seeing their weapons or explosions. Unfortunately, seeing the weapons will probably not be fixed any time soon. The explosions... we are working on it.

7) some of you may have noticed that we have armrests on the seats. OOPS. My bad. They will be removed in the SP

8) There are NO afterburners. Yet. They will be coming the SP.

9) If you are getting veers (yaw to the left or right) with weapons loads, please check your PAYLOAD COG by going into AIRCRAFT/FUEL AND PAYLOAD and making sure that it’s at zero.
We will be putting this into the must do list just in case.

And that's it for the most part. I hope that this fixes most, if not all of your main issues.


Freitag, 13. Januar 2012, 14:38

Heute ist wirklich nicht mein Tag. Ich wollte mein Problem jetzt im Milviz Forum melden. Aber sehe ich das richtig das man sich da nicht registrieren kann?


Freitag, 13. Januar 2012, 16:25

Das Problem hat sich erledigt. Musste eigentlich nur das CFG file tauschen. Jetzt funktioniert alles wie es soll. :)