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Donnerstag, 14. August 2008, 20:15

Der Blick in die Zukunft!Das Hotel in den Wolken, oder wie der A380 innen aussehen könnte!



A team of Mexico City-based designers and engineers have unveiled an innovative seating system, designed for wide-body passenger aircraft cabins. The system, which has been dubbed the “Airborne Hotel” (abh), dramatically optimizes the available cabin space, ensuring a fully-reclining, independent seat-bed for every passenger on board while, at the same time, maintaining current passenger capacity of commercial aircraft.
The key to the design’s success is the vertical, multiple-level configuration of its seating modules, which enables the utilization of the otherwise empty overhead space in an aircraft cabin. The modules - set in a kind of honeycomb array - are designed to be manufactured so as to weigh about the same as a conventional airplane seat; this is because, in contrast with conventional seats, the modules’ structure has multiple points for anchoring and fastening to the aircraft’s fuselage, which, in turn, enables the use of lighter - yet strong and flexible - construction materials. Another essential element of the design is its unique implementation of three aisles - instead of only two - throughout the passenger cabin, which permits passengers and aircraft crew 50% more access to seats, restrooms, emergency exits, etc.
Combining these exceptional characteristics, the abh system can achieve layouts that match - and even increase - passenger capacity, compared to that attained by means of conventional seating. In fact, the system’s designers affirm that, having taken into account the precise dimensions of an actual Airbus A380 cabin, several abh layouts for three-class arrangements have been attained already that can accommodate as many as 580 passengers - hat’s 25 more seats than the standard 555 seat configuration for a three-class arrangement in an A380.
This is refreshing news for air travelers around the world and great news for the aerospace industry as a whole. Airlines have the possibility of increasing seat count in their aircraft while drastically enhancing passenger comfort; this, in turn, translates to passengers getting a far more comfortable flight, without their airfares skyrocketing.

This design is currently participating in the annual Create the Future Design Contest, co-sponsored by NASA Tech Briefs magazine and SolidWorks Corp.

Das hat doch was von ner Legebatterie, wenn auch von einer sehr komfortablen!
Wie wollen die damit die EVAC-Test durchstehen? :hm:

Zum Glück nur mal ne Studie, aber man sieht, wohin die Reise geht! :hm:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Donnerstag, 14. August 2008, 21:51

Die Frage in kommenden Zeiten wird auch sein, wie man es schafft, ein Flugzeug profitabel betreiben zu können. Die Preise müssten pro Platz in einer solchen Maschine wohl sehr hoch sein, da viel weniger Gäste darin platz nehmen können.

Auch bei Flugzeugen mit maximal viel Plätzen wird das eine entscheidende Frage sein!

Aber sonst, sieht sehr schön aus :thumb:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »MeTzeL« (14. August 2008, 21:53)



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Donnerstag, 14. August 2008, 22:03


Die Preise müssten pro Platz in einer solchen Maschine wohl sehr hoch sein, da viel weniger Gäste darin platz nehmen können.

Du solltest auch den Text lesen, nicht nur die Bilder anschauen!


Combining these exceptional characteristics, the abh system can achieve layouts that match - and even increase - passenger capacity, compared to that attained by means of conventional seating. In fact, the system’s designers affirm that, having taken into account the precise dimensions of an actual Airbus A380 cabin, several abh layouts for three-class arrangements have been attained already that can accommodate as many as 580 passengers - hat’s 25 more seats than the standard 555 seat configuration for a three-class arrangement in an A380.
Gruß Gerhard
Intel DH67BL, Core i5-2500, 16 GB RAM, XFX HD6790, NEC 2690WUXi, Saitek Pedal + Yoke + X52 Pro, TrackIR 4 Pro, Windows 7 64bit, FSX, Acceleration, APX, LDS 767, Iris PC-9