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Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2006, 09:35

David Maltby bringt Updates raus (Classic British Jets)

Hello !

David Maltby hat News für uns :luxhello:

Auf seiner Site - DM Flight Sim - Classic British Jet Liners gibts Updates für drei Modelle :


Trident HS121 Update - October 2006

This update is a general improvement of the VC cockpit & systems. This is still an FSDS2 made model.

- Full VC night lighting
- Look of VC overhead switches improved (from the left seat anyway)
- NAV/GPS toggle switch added
- Simulated engine 'Top Temp' limiter & Engine relight switches added
- More realistic engine temperature performance (Spey 512)
- EGT gauges changed to match T2/3 (think the old ones were T1)
- More accurate Thrust Index gauges
- VC views panel for co-pilot position
- Stall warn with stick push if not rectified
- 2D panel lights & VC roof lights now work independantly
- Authentic sounds for stick shaker, stick pusher, overspeed, takeoff config warning, engine fires
- To avoid clutter, Toggle icons are now all on their own popup window
- ADF tuning knobs move the correct numbers (as per the real radio unit)
- Smoother engine ignition
- Engines respond quicker in higher RPM range, idle to full time more realistic
- Engine RPM shown in RPM gauges tooltip (was only showing % before)
- Water injection added
- APU now operational

The main upgrade is the night lighting for the VC.

HIER mehr Tipps, Shots und Infos


BAC One-Eleven update - October 2006

This update is mainly a general improvement of the cockpit & systems. It is an FSDS3 made model.

- Extra pedestal night lighting for VC
- 'Grabable' controls in VC
- Simulated engine 'Top Temp' limiter (from VC pedestal only)
- More realistic engine temperature performance (Spey 512)
- Much improved Thrust Index gauges (100% for takeoff gives a proper rated thrust)
- VC views panel included for co-pilot position
- 'G force' flexing wings
- Wing views + On/Off toggle
- Fixed minor bug where APU switch was sticking.
- More accurate air system & pressurization, including Safety Value & Ram Air switches
- ILS backcourse now operational
- More realistic stall warn with stick push if not rectified
- 2D panel lights & VC roof lights now work independantly
- Proper generator switch action
- HSI - To/From indicator added
- Attitude Indicator - proper CDI + VOR/LOC flag
- Authentic sounds for stick shaker, stick pusher, overspeed, takeoff config warning, engine fires
- Also extra beeps & horns for Altitude alert & Cabin Height
- To avoid clutter, Toggle icons are now all on their own popup window
- ADF tuning knobs move the correct numbers (as per the real radio unit)
- AP disengage light works
- Working engine fire test, stall test & overspeed test switches
- 26 deg flap drag reduced slightly, can now use technique given in American Airlines 1-11 400 manual. 26 deg & 45 deg selected before intercepting glide slope.
- Drift degrees added to info on 'Check List' popup window
- Engines respond quicker in higher RPM range, idle to full time more realistic
- Gear warning settings corrected

Extra pedestal night lighting for VC. The overhead panel has been made slightly easier to read at night too.

HIER gibts mehr Infos


Vickers VC-10 Update

Ein neues Paint für die VC10, die "XV104's '40 Years of RAF Service"

:luxhello: :bier: