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Dienstag, 14. November 2006, 21:57

NAMC YS-11 v.2.7 Combi Configuration


Ein ganz besonderer Flieger diesmal : ein kombinierter Fracht/Passagierflieger :luxhello:

Die NAMC YS-11 aus Japan !


This is the passenger/cargo combi version of the YS-11. Two liveries are included in the package: Korean Air Lines and Mey-Air from Norway. New features: improved 3D model with feathering prop blade animation and parked aircraft mode with visible intake covers, streamers etc. Better virtual cockpit with new night lighting, smooth gauge update rate, more mouse operable levers and switches and VC window rain effects. This is a complete package containing panel, sounds and effects. No previous version needed. Manual and checklists included.

Da geht´s lang



Mittwoch, 15. November 2006, 19:15

@ Jürgen

ja aber Hallo :thumb: der Flieger war mir gestern auch schon in die Hände gefallen bzw. war mir ins Auge gesprungen , wolte ihn nur noch kurz antesten.
Bin ja ein Fan von Propellers haben so´nen tollen Sound. :thumb:
Gruß Klaus

Mein PC:ASUS Max VI / i7-4770K @ 4,5 GHz/GIGABYTE GTX 760 4095 MB / G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1866 / WD Black 1 TB / Sys: 256 GB ForceGS /FSX: 500 GB 840 EVO / TM-Warthog / FSX - ACC / OS: Win 7 64-Bit


Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 21:10


Neues NAMC YS-11 Modell ;)


YS-11M & M-A of JMSDF 61 sqd
These files are for AFG V2.7 YS-11 ONLY: JMSDF 61 SQD are based at atsugi ( RJTA ) ,ships 41/42/43 are YS-11M series with the cargo door at the rear,while ship 44 is a YS-11M-A with the cargo door at the front,there was more then one colour sceme sported on these aircraft,at one stage they had orange wing tips and orange on the top of the fin tip,these aircaft here do not represent the orange tip scheme. The details are as correct as can be with the info and pics i had to go on,so please enjoy them,and if anyone as any info that could correct any mistakes,then please let me know.The correct shade of grey,orange pilots suits,JMSDF kanji and sqd badge,curtesy of Esa Kaihlanen. Repainting by me Alan Cottrill.

Download bei AVSIM

Achtung : das sind "nur" Texturen, das Basispaket wird vorher benötigt.



Freitag, 20. April 2007, 17:02

YS-11 "Triton Blue"



NAMC YS-11 v.2.7, All Nippon Airways / Air Nippon Pack

YS-11 in the ANA/ANK "Triton Blue" livery. Three aircraft are included: two with ANA titles (passenger and combi) and one with ANK titles. New features: improved 3D model with feathering prop blade animation and parked aircraft mode with visible intake covers, streamers etc. Better virtual cockpit with new night lighting, smooth gauge update rate, more mouse operable levers and switches and VC window rain effects.
This is a complete package containing panel, sounds and effects . No previous version needed. Manual and checklists included.

Download bei AVSIM



Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007, 21:14

NAMC YS-11T-A "Tomboy"


Eine weitere Version dieses Unikats ;)


NAMC YS-11T-A "Tomboy" JMSDF Training Aircraft v.2.7
Japan Maritime Self Defence Force YS-11T-A Training Aircraft. Six aircraft are included, representing the entire YS-11T-A fleet currently operated by JMSDF for training navigators, radar operators and tactical personnel. New features: improved 3D model with feathering prop blade animation and parked aircraft mode with visible intake covers, streamers etc. Virtual cockpit with night lighting, smooth gauge update rate, mouse operable levers and switches and VC window rain effects. This is a complete package containing panel, sounds and effects. No other files needed. Manual and checklists included.

Download bei AVSIM



Chicago Bear

wcf.user.posts: 2 787

Wohnort: Kirchberg

Beruf: Zerspaner

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Samstag, 9. Juni 2007, 15:41

African liveries package

Hello :tag:

Es gibt ein weiteres Paket: African liveries package :yes:
Enthalten sind nicht nur die Liverys, das komplette Modell ist auch noch einmal dabei.


African liveries package

File Description:
This package includes 5 different liveries worn by African YS-11 opertors.
The liveries included in the package are Gambia Airways (2 liveries), Air Afrique, Trans Gabon and Societe Generale D'Alimentation.
New features: improved 3D model with feathering prop blade animation and parked aircraft mode with visible intake covers, streamers etc.
Virtual cockpit with night lighting, smooth gauge update rate, mouse operable levers and switches and VC window rain effects.
This is a complete package containing panel, sounds and effects . No other files needed. Manual and checklists included.

Hier geht´s zum Download: NAMC YS-11 v.2.7, African liveries package

Viel Spass damit. :flieger: