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Sonntag, 7. Januar 2007, 09:55

AM Radio Gauge (1930er)

Hello !

Wieder etwas aus der guten alten Zeit, als Radiosendungen kommerzieller Sender als Peilungs- /Ortungssignal verwendet wurden :luxhello:

Paßt für Australien/Neuseeland...hoffentlich gibts bald Updates ;)


AM Broadcast Radio - The 1930's Nav-Aid and In-Flight Entertainment ApplianceThis system of scenery, sound, panel, and gauge additions seeks to simulate the use of Commercial AM Broadcast stations for aviation Navigation, Weather, Information, and Music in the 1930’s, before the installation of the Radio Range, and NDB systems. It is intended to predate those systems, and to work with them as appropriate. A set of ten 1-minute WAV files - samples of period music and radio broadcasts - forms the core of this facility. Full instructions are included, together with information on the development of this add-on. January 2007.

Zum Download bei AVSIM
