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Dienstag, 18. Juli 2006, 08:26

Wieder Updates auf der HJG Site

AVSIM meldet, dass es auf der HJG-SIte wieder umfangreiche Updates gab :luxhello:
(Lustigerweise finde ich davon noch nichts auf der HJG-Site :shocked: :lol: )

Neben neuen Aircrafts gibt es auch neue Panels und ein Update einiger Gauges :thumb:


The Historic Jetliners Group have pleasure announcing yet another website update and a whole raft new and revised files for your FREE FS enjoyment.

Among these are 19 new aircraft repaints amomg which feature a splendid chronological selection of historic TWA liveries for B707-320, -320B, & -320C, all based on Gary Carlson's latest "VERSION 6 B707 models". Also available are Gary's new E8 JSTR (B707 conversions) aircraft in a selection of USAF liveries. And for DC8 enthusiasts some new and extremly rare Latino aircraft have also been uploaded.

3 new B707/720 panels by George Carty have also just been released. These include B707-120B & B720-020B panels comprised of more advanced "1965" style instrumentation, along with a new B707-323C panel based on a unique American Airlines configuration. These CARTY/HJG panels all feature "authentic engine startup sequences with cockpit/ground support. Working INS system. Operating F/E panel with functional fuel, electrical, and pressurization systems. Dual Captain and F/O 2D main panel options complete with a full suite of interior cockpit views.

Addition of these latest files increases the groups B707/720 panel inventory to 11 seperate variations customised for almost all civil versions of these aircraft currently offered by HJG. Further revisions have been made to both gauge sets for the CARTY/HJG B707/720 panels and supporting FDE data too. New gauge sets have been uploaded to the "BOEING PANELS" page and latest FDE modifications included within the HJG "B707 BASE PACKS" for these aircraft. Each of 2 supporting manuals for the groups B707/720 panels have been further edited/revised.

In short .... everyone who downloaded this material prior to July 14th, 2006, is encouraged to replace their original files with this new material. The replacement files are neither large nor complex but should be promoting of increased satisfaction with these fine panels and virtual aircraft. This particular website update is HJG's 5th since re-establishment. Already over well over 100 new files have been uploaded since April 2006. More new files continue being accumulated for the group's next website update, which will be advised of in due course.

Historic Jetliner Group



Dienstag, 18. Juli 2006, 11:44

na hoffentlich kommt auch bald die E3A raus :oesi: :oesi: :oesi: :oesi:
Click Air ist einfach schön