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Sonntag, 13. Juni 2010, 10:09

Sonic Solutions - Dc-3 *75th Anniversary Soundpack*


Um die Microsoft DC-3 ein wenig aufzupeppen... 8o


Vance Dylan is pleased to present the Sonic Solutions DC3 75th Anniversary Sound Pack for FSX. You too can now enjoy this celebration through sound. Designed and tested with the default DC3 and compatable with many others, this pack features some great details such as an under maintained right engine at idle complete with sputters and fouls.

The sound pack features sound cones with many layers of sound to complete a rich sonic experience that is smooth as you rotate 360 degrees around the aircraft.Enjoy tower views and flybys as the DC3 roars past.Engines sound different from each other and does not suffer from phase issues as so many multi engine aircraft do. Something missing from the default DC3 is having the gear extend and retract sounds sync'd to the animations. This has all been re-designed and while in the cockpit you'll hear the right side lock slower than the left, all in stereo as it should be.

Other audio features include:

• All original and authentic sounds in high quality 16bit-48Khz
• Rattles and shake sounds when over speeding
• Flaps and gear synced to animations
• Tire impacts and touches
• Ground roll with shakes and rattles as you gain speed
• Occasional cockpit rattles at random RPM's
• Includes AI sounds for multiplayer
• Does not suffer from the usual errors like incorrect RPM's during veiw switching, multi engine phasing or gear and flaps being heard at greater distances.

Revive your old Douglas and take part in the DC3's 75th Anniversary with a celebration in sound.

Für 11 € bei simMarket