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Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008, 15:46

Quebec CYQB Airport

Bei AVSIM zu bekommen ist dieser recht nett gemachte kanadische Airport
und aus eigener Erfahrung kommt er dem echten sehr nahe ...
Die Gebäude und das drumherum passt recht gut und der Airport eignet sich auch für etwas größere Maschinen ...

Will haben .... :luxhello: :luxhello:


New! Quebec CYQB

File Description:
All pilots have used or heard the word "Quebec" during their radio communication but not many pilots actually landed at Quebec International airport (CYQB). A great number of Head of States, VIPs, tourists came to Quebec City for summits, special occasions or to visit the city declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. Quebec airport is also hosting a great airshow and this year in June, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, five of the world best aerobatic squadrons will perform simultaneously over Quebec: the British "Red Arrows", the French "La Patrouille de France", the US Navy "Blue Angels", the USAF "Thunderbirds" and the Canadian "Snowbirds". It will be quite a sight. This very accurate scenery will give you the opportunity to visit CYQB with your simulator. Months of effort were devoted to make this scenery as real as possible. This package includes more that 25 highly detailed hangars and buildings all having night textures, some of them have windows with specular effect. Light poles provide aprons lighting. The adjacent mount Belair have communication towers with strobe lights visible for over 12nm which provides a good visual reference coming into the airport. Exceltech, a maintenance facility has static aircrafts parked in front. A second publication will include the new terminal which is presently under construction.

License: Freeware
Added: 20th February 2008
Downloads: 551
Author: Gilles Boily
Size: 6362kb

und natürlich auch ein paar Bilder ... :D

Gruß Klaus

Mein PC:ASUS Max VI / i7-4770K @ 4,5 GHz/GIGABYTE GTX 760 4095 MB / G.Skill 16GB DDR3-1866 / WD Black 1 TB / Sys: 256 GB ForceGS /FSX: 500 GB 840 EVO / TM-Warthog / FSX - ACC / OS: Win 7 64-Bit