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List of main features:
- recording flights of unlimited length
- replay of the last minutes, even if no recording was started
- jumping forward/backward during playback
- playback control via keyboard or control window
- stop playback at any position to continue manually
- loop part of a recording
- change playback speed
- custom keyboard controls
- recorded data is customizable (available are throttles, control surfaces, gear, flaps, spoilers, lights, engines on/off, propeller/mixture, nav and com radios, data/time, smoke)
Since version 1.2 the module also includes advanced view features for the tower and spot plane views:
- multiple tower/spot views, which can be selected via the menu or keyboard
- optional manual panning of the view direction
- automatic zooming
- saving/loading sets of tower and spot views
File Description:
This module can record flights, save them to files and play them back like the FS instant replay and flight video recorder, but with a lot more features. The module does NOT record video files (like .avi), it records data like aircraft position, speed, etc, so the recordings can only be played inside FS. This has the advantage, that you can watch your recordings from different views. It also allows to play a recording as AI traffic, which e.g. allows flying in formation with yourself. Additionally it includes advanced view features for the tower and spot views. Main features: recording flights of unlimited length - replay - jumping/searching forward/backward during playback - playback control via keyboard or control window - loop part of a recording - change playback speed - custom keyboard controls - recorded data is customizable (available are throttles, control surfaces, gear, flaps, spoilers, lights, engines on/off, propeller/mixture, nav and com radios, date/time, smoke) - multiple tower/spot views - optional manual panning of tower/spot view direction - automatic zooming - saving/loading sets of tower and spot views
File Description:
This module can record flights, save them to files and play them back like the FS instant replay and flight video recorder, but with a lot more features.
The module does NOT record video files (like .avi), it records data like aircraft position, speed, etc, so the recordings can only be played inside FS. This has the advantage, that you can watch your recordings from different views. It also allows to play recordings as AI traffic, which e.g. allows flying in formation with yourself.
Additionally it includes advanced view features for the tower and spot views. Main features: recording flights of unlimited length - replay - recording of AI traffic - play recordings as (AI) traffic - jumping/searching forward/backward during playback - playback control via keyboard or control window - loop part of a recording - change playback speed - custom keyboard controls - recorded data is customizable (available are throttles, control surfaces, gear, flaps, spoilers, lights, engines on/off, propeller/mixture, nav and com radios, date/time, smoke) - multiple tower/spot/VC views - optional manual panning of tower/spot view direction - automatic zooming - saving/loading sets of tower/spot/VC views
FS Recorder is an addon module for FS2004 and FSX, which can record flights, save them to files and play them back like the FS instant replay and flight video recorder, but with a lot more features. The module does NOT record video files (like .avi), it records data like aircraft postition, speed, etc, so the recordings can only be played inside FS. This allows you to watch your recordings from different views.
List of main features:
- recording flights of unlimited length
- replay of the last minutes, even if no recording was started
- recording and playback of AI traffic
- playback of one or more recordings as (AI) traffic
- recording a new flight during playback as traffic (e.g. for formation flights)
- jumping/searching forward/backward during playback
- playback control via keyboard or control window
- stop playback at any position to continue manually
- loop part of a recording
- change playback speed
- custom keyboard controls
- recorded data is customizable (available are throttles, control surfaces, gear, flaps, spoilers, lights, engines on/off, propeller/mixture, nav and com radios, data/time, smoke)
Furthermore the FS2004 version includes advanced features for the tower, spot plane and VC views:
- multiple tower/spot/VC views, which can be selected via the menu or keyboard
- optional manual panning of the view direction in tower/spot views
- automatic zooming
- saving/loading sets of tower/spot/VC views
Wo sind denn meine Beiträge hin ?![]()
Hmmm, gesta war so nett, mir den FS Recorder zu erklären. Allerdings habe ich trotzdem noch ein Problem. Wenn ich ein Video im Recorder aufzeichne, und dann abspiele, lasse ich im Hintergrund FRAPS laufen. Dieses Tool müßte mir doch nun eigentlich das Vid in ein .avi oder in ein vergleichbares Format umwandeln. Doch das tut es nicht. Muß ich da noch irgend etwas einstellen ? Wäre supi, wenn mir jemand das genaue Procedere erklären könnte. Ih würde so gerne ein paar Flusi-Videos erstellen.
Danke schonmal und liebe Grüße,![]()
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH