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Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 21:37

100 Tote befürchtet: Flugzeugunglück im Sudan


Ein Passagierflugzeug ist nach der Landung auf dem Flughafen der sudanesischen Hauptstadt Khartum explodiert und in Flammen aufgegangen. Nach Berichten des nationalen Fernsehens sind dabei rund einhundert Passagiere ums Leben gekommen. Laut Polizei konnten sich aber auch viele Insassen noch aus dem Wrack retten. An Bord der Maschine waren nach ersten Informationen rund 200 Passagiere.

Mehr auf
Gruß Rick

"Gravity is not just a good idea - it's a law."


Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 22:14

Im Radio wurde gerade berichtet, daß die Maschine nach der Landung in Flammen aufgegangen sei. :shocked:
Es seien mehr als 100 Tote zu befürchten, von den Überlebenden seien die meisten außer Lebensgefahr! :sad: :thumbdown:

Mein Beileid den Angehörigen der Opfer :tears:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Balu der Bär« (10. Juni 2008, 22:14)


Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 22:17

Also nach den Bildern zu Folge, sieht das ja grausam aus. :shocked:
Das da überhaupt noch Überlebende sind, ist ein Wunder und es werden ca: 100 geschätzt. :rundum:
Gruß Rick

"Gravity is not just a good idea - it's a law."


Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008, 22:56



At least 100 people were killed Tuesday when a Sudan Airways plane caught fire after landing in Khartoum, Sudan, according to officials and Sudanese television reports.
Sudanese television reported more than 200 people were on the plane. Several injured people were taken to a hospital, the network said, but the number of injured was not immediately known.

The plane was arriving from Amman, Jordan, airport security officials said, and was landing in bad weather when it overshot the runway and caught fire. "Many people" are believed dead, an official said.

However, it was not clear what caused the crash.

The chief of the Khartoum airport told Al-Jazeera Arabic TV network the plane landed safely, but an explosion occurred in one of its engines before it came to a stop, about 10 minutes after the plane had landed.

Abbas al-Fadini, a member of the Sudanese parliament who was on the plane, told Al-Jazeera that "the fire was inside the plane."

"It started from the right engine and then spread to the inside of the plane," he said.
He was in the front of the plane, he said, and was among those who got out first. Flight attendants and crew members were guiding passengers to the exit, he said.

"There is nothing left of the plane now," al-Fadini said. "It burned down quickly. I believe that the gas load and the weather contributed to the burning of the plane."

Some passengers who had minor injuries remained at the airport, he said.

John Ukec, Sudanese ambassador to the United States, confirmed the plane was a Sudan Airways flight carrying 203 passengers and 14 crew members.

Sudanese television said 13 out of the crew members survived.

Sources in Khartoum told CNN the plane was an Airbus, either a 300 or a 310, with the capacity to carry up to 250 people.

The weather in Khartoum as the plane attempted to land was terrible, the sources said. Low visibility and heavy rain and wind followed a big sandstorm earlier in the day.

A pilot who landed a plane in Khartoum earlier in the evening reported a rough landing, the source said, and added that there was a lot of standing water on the runway. Sandstorms can cause crashes when sand gets into the engines and causes them to ignite, the pilot said.

Video from the scene showed wreckage engulfed in flames. Media reports said the initial landing of the Sudan Airways flight was delayed because of the weather, and the plane landed after the weather cleared.

CNN's Nic Robertson, who recently was in Sudan, said the nation is in its rainy season. "It's the time of year where you get massive rain storms ... just coming in very quickly," he said. "The problem in Khartoum is not just the rain, but it mixes with a lot of dust in the air. Khartoum is right on the edge of the Sahara Desert. The city is famous almost for these huge dust storms that blow in. So at this time of year, you get the dust, you get the rain coming together. It's bad conditions."

He said the Khartoum airport is very modern with a large amount of air traffic passing through.

The airport chief, whose name was not given, told Al-Jazeera the airport would be closed until 9 a.m. Wednesday (2 a.m. ET)

Wahnsinn :thumbdown: :sad: :tears:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008, 07:43

Hab jetzt vor einer Minute im Radio gehört, bisher sind 23 Tote und über 100 Überlebende geborgen worden.
Gruß Rick

"Gravity is not just a good idea - it's a law."


Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008, 17:32

RE: 100 Tote befürchtet: Flugzeugunglück im Sudan


Sudan Airways Airbus bei Landung in Khartum verunglückt

KHARTUM / NAIROBI (dpa) - Beim Brand eines Passagierjets unmittelbar nach der Landung in der sudanesischen Hauptstadt Khartum sind am Dienstagabend mindestens 29 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Erste Berichte der Behörden von mindestens 100 Toten wurden in der Nacht zum Mittwoch nach unten korrigiert. 14 Passagiere der Maschine gelten noch als vermisst. Mittlerweile liegt eine erste These zur Unglücksursache vor.

Den ganzen Bericht gibt es auf
Gruß Rick

"Gravity is not just a good idea - it's a law."


Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008, 22:09

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008, 22:32


Da warte ich mal die Untersuchungen ab, wird bestimmt ermittelt warum das da passiert ist und auch noch beim Taxeln ... :hm:

Ist zwar traurig, dass es Tote gegeben hat, allerdings ist die Zahl, die bisher veröffentlicht wurde schon wesentlich geschrumpft 42 Tote (28 + 14 ?) anstatt 100 Tote und diese Nachricht wäre dann etwas erfreulicher als die vorherige - wenn man "erfreulich" hier überhaupt benutzen sollte ...



Dirk 8)

Flusitechnisch nun in den Rentenstatus gewechselt

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Superburschi« (11. Juni 2008, 22:33)