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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 18:45

Alphasim - Supermarine Scimitar F.Mk.1 - FS9/FSX +´Self Shadowing´


Alphasim präsentiert uns ein ganz spezielles Highlight.

Die Supermarine Scimitar F.Mk.1,die als weltweit erstes Payware-Modell mit der neuen Technik "Self Shadowing" im Virtuellen Cockpit ausgestattet ist. :luxhello:

Diese neue Schattentechnik funktioniert nur mit dem kommenden SP2 für den FSX und Vista.

Bevor es zum eigentlichen Flieger geht,hier ein kleines Video dieser interessanten Technik

FSX cockpit video Ca. 13,5 MB

Nun zur Supermarine Scimitar F.Mk.1 die für 27.42 EUR hier gekauft werden kann.


New addition to the RAF/RN section - the Supermarine Scimitar F.Mk.1 ! The Fleet Air Arm's premier fighter of the 1960's was also Supermarine's last aircraft. Befitting the company who made the Spitfire, it also was a thing of beauty - and possessed massive amounts of power for a subsonic aircraft. The AlphaSim package truly does justice to this amazing piece of British aviation history - the full-specification FSX version actually includes V-C self shadowing, a brand-new feature only available with MicroSoft's forthcoming FSX Service Pack 2 (with Vista). We can confidently say this is the first-ever payware FS model to employ this stunning visual feature ! Another first for AlphaSim. The FSX v-c also has full gauge nightlighting and self-reflecting glass (also present in the FS9 version). The package includes no less than FOUR model variations (clean, 2 x tanks, Bullpups and Sidewinder versions), as well as SIX amazing texture sets with superbly-detailed 'weathering' and highly accurate squadron markings and insignia. The virtual cockpit has been built to a standard not seen before on an FS Cold War British jet, the detailing and texture work are breathtaking. Special fx of course enhance the realism - wingtip and wing root vapour trails come in at certain preset 'g' levels, the turbine glow effect is linked to RPM and smoke is emitted both at startup and in-flight. The animations were well-researched - the 'barn door' flaps and ventral flap/speedbrakes are accurately depicted, as are the amazing fuselage 'turkey feathers' speedbrakes and the flap-linked all-moving tail. Slats, tailhook and wingfold are there too. The detailed and apporopriate pilot figure is togglable using the water rudder function. The suitably-deafening soundset represents the twin Avons admirably. The flight model has two flavours too - one for the 'clean' version and a higher-drag, heavier one for the loaded versions. The actual Supermarine manual was used for the flight model as well as the cockpit functionalilty. The tricky handling characteristics (eg. slow engine response) have been modelled too, which makes this great model even more realistic and challenging to master properly. A must-have for all fans of naval aviation on both sides of the Atlantic ! And don't forget the Scimitar 'home base' scenery coming soon from AlphaSim - HMS Eagle (complete with AI Scimitars).....

So...zu guter Letzt noch ein paar Infos zu diesem Flieger.



Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 19:27

Schönes Teil! :thumb:

Aber erstens habe ich FS9 und zweitens kann ich ja nicht nur ALPHASIM bereichern. Ich warte jetzt mal auf die F-18 Super Hornet. Die soll ja alles andere in den Schatten stellen.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Glocke« (14. Oktober 2007, 19:27)


Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007, 15:37

Version 1.1 Patch


Es ist ein Patch erschienen.


Version 1.1 patch available now for the Supermarine Scimitar ! This update fixes the FS9 suspension animation, nosewheel steering and gear height issues. The wingfold is also now on the more usual F key in FS9. The Sidewinder is now the correct AIM-9B type (this mod also available for the FSX version).
Download the new Zips by either :
a) logging into your personal download area in the Shop (the 'My Downloads' icon') and access the Scimitar download page by clicking a download link in your Recent Purchases section. This will use up a download, so just mail us if you need more or would just like to have it reset. Please include your order number in the e-mail.


Sonntag, 25. November 2007, 09:30


Die Supermarine Scimitar spielt die Hauptrolle im neusten AlphaSim-Video. :thumb:


Now it's the turn of stunning Supermarine Scimitar to get the SimFreak video treatment. Some amazing low-level FSX shots and unusual viewpoints in this one, a must see !

Scimitar Video 59 MB