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Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012, 15:59

Projekt Airbus A330 & A340

Projekt Airbus bringt einen A330 heraus,seht selbst

Gruß Florian :)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Condor757Winglet« (3. Juni 2012, 10:52)


Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012, 10:57

Jetzt ist es Amtlich


Hello everyone,

We are proud to announce our latest project, the A330 and A340 family. This project includes both the external model and a virtual cockpit, with a virtual cabin coming later.

The external model has been designed in Gmax, with reference to Airbus documents and many pictures and videos, and incorporates numerous special features, including:

-A330-200, -200F, -300, and A340-200 and -300 models
-Both A330-200 vertical tail variants modeled (the original, taller version and the later "Post Mod 48979" version)
-For all variants except A330-200, ability to select large or small vertical tail root fairings
-Wingflex that reacts to speed, attitude, g-force, fuel load, and aileron deflection
-Control surface droop with engines off, including rudder deflection to one side or the other depending on wind direction
-Control surfaces that reduce deflection with increasing speed, including lock-out of the outboard ailerons above a certain speed
-Ground spoilers and spoilerons
-Modeled flap mechanisms
-Main landing gear bogie animations replicating (as much as possible within FS) the unique A330/340-specific bogie motion
-Nose-gear steering that reduces steering angle as speed increases, and holds its position when the aircraft stops mid-turn
-Windmilling engine fans and see-through "high-speed" fan discs
-Idle-reverser and blocker door animations
-APU intake, outflow valve, and pack vent animations
-Same method of hiding or showing antennas as the A380. Brake fans can also be shown or hidden using this mechanism
-Animated windshield wipers
-Opening cockpit windows, passenger doors, and main cargo doors
-Accurate Airbus double-strobe and beacon lights, with optional twin upper beacon lights for airlines such as Qatar Airways
-Lighting system includes switchable cabin lights, and strobe and beacon light reflections on the ground and fuselage that appear depending on the time of day
-Ground servicing equipment

The virtual cockpit features an extremely high level of detail, with features including:

Virtual Cockpit:
-All the standard FS animations
-Full VAS FMC implementation
-Backlit gauges
-Animated wipers, seats, sunshades, closet doors, jumpseats
-Detail objects (suits, books, coffee cups, eyeglasses, chart books)

Virtual Cabin (coming later):
-First class interior space
-Inflight entertainment system with map display
-Animated trays, luggage bins, accessible lavatories
-Exits openable from the inside
-Seatbelt and no-smoking signs

More features may be added later for both virtual cockpit and cabin.
Weitere Preview Bilder findet man hier
Gruß Florian :)