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Montag, 25. September 2006, 09:36

Weiterer Wurf von HSD : Mykonos (LGMK)

Hello !

Mein Favorit aus Griechenland, die HSD (Hellas Scenery Design) Gruppe hat einen weiteren Airport veröffentlicht : Mikonos/Mykonos (LGMK) :luxhello:


The airport is one of Greece's busiest small island international airports. Especially during the summer months the airport capacity is brought to a maximum. There is no ILS for landing approach but a VORDME approach for runway 34. Mikonos airport is on elevated land plane (405 ft) and has other island terrain rising from the East and North of the runway. Most common winds in Mikonos are from the North-Northwest 15 sometimes gusting up to 40 kts with the Greek summer "meltemi" wind in action. The runway is short & narrow (1900x30m) for jets and surrounding terrain does not excuse pilot errors !

Mikonos island is one of Greece's most cosmopolitan resorts with its exquisite beaches, traditional cycladic architecture and the vivid night life.

The FS2004 LGMK scenery enhances the airport with photoreal ground texture from satellite imagery and custom objects in further detail beyond the basic "HSP Base scenery". All buildings and objects are created from pictures taken in the actual airport following visits we did there especially for this purpose. We highly reccomend the HSP Mesh terrain and HSP Base scenery for best results.

DOWNLOAD der knapp 3,3 MB bei AVSIM

Viel Spaß damit :luxhello: