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Dienstag, 7. November 2006, 12:01

Captain Sim Space Shuttle kommt

Hallooooo !

Captain Sim meldet auf seiner Produktseite, dass das nächste CS Projekt in Kürze ins BETA-Stadium gehen wird : SPACE SHUTTLE


The sky is not the limit anymore!
Captain Sim is pleased to announce that its new product the 'Space Shuttle' add-on for FSX goes BETA!

The 'Space Shuttle' expansion will feature highly detailed top-notch visual models, effects and major systems that are normally in use during the following Space Shuttle Orbiter descent phases:

- Entry through the atmosphere
- Terminal Area Energy Management (TAEM)
- Approach
- Landing
- Rollout through wheels stop
The 'Space Shuttle' project consultant is R. Romanenko - current Russian pilot-cosmonaut (Space Shuttle trained).

Standby for features list and screenshots!

Na, klingt ja interessant. Speziell "Entry through athmosphere" könnte optisch und akustisch schon was hergeben :lol:



Freitag, 10. November 2006, 12:31

RE: Captain Sim Space Shuttle kommt

Es gibt die ersten Screenshots :luxhello:

Exterior Model

und hier alle Shots des VC

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :umfall:



wcf.user.posts: 360

Wohnort: Schweden,(ESGP)

Beruf: Virtueller Pilot

  • Nachricht senden


Freitag, 10. November 2006, 12:55

"Viele Menschen ertragen keine Kritik,
die wenigsten tragen jedoch keine Schuld,
die meißten überschätzen ihr können,
und alle stehen zu keinem Kompromiss!"

Es schrieb und half,
- Gabriel- :tag:


Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2006, 11:50

Captain Sim Space Shuttle goes BETA

Das Shuttle von CS ist im BETA-Stadium :)


Captain Sim is pleased to announce that its new product the 'Space Shuttle' add-on for FSX goes BETA!

The 'Space Shuttle' is a pilot project to determine interest of MS FS community in the Space and orbital aviation subject. If we receive enough positive feedback from the community, the 'Space Shuttle' will turn into a first product of a new 'SPACE' series of MS FSX add-ons.

The 'Space Shuttle' expansion features highly detailed top-notch visual models, effects and major systems that are normally in use during the following Space Shuttle Orbiter descent phases:

- Entry through the atmosphere
- Terminal Area Energy Management (TAEM)
- Approach
- Landing
- Rollout through wheels stop

The following models are included:

- OV-101 Enterprise
- OV-102 Columbia
- OV-099 Challenger
- OV-103 Discovery
- OV-104 Atlantis
- OV-105 Endeavour

The 'Space Shuttle' project consultant is R. Romanenko - current Russian pilot-cosmonaut (Space Shuttle trained).

Standby for updates!

Screenshots vom Exterior Model

Screenshots vom VC
