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Freitag, 19. Januar 2007, 16:11

Tolle SGA DC-10 30

Heyhooo !

Eines der schönsten Flugzeuge der Welt in neuem Gewande ;)


Arrow Cargo McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30F

FS2004 Arrow Cargo DC-10-30F. The SGA DC10-30 aircraft offers dynamic flexing wings, which means you will see the wings flex up during takeoff, flex up and down on a hard landing or when encountering turbulence in-flight as affected by the current phase of flight and atmospheric conditions. Also with the assistance of a real world DC10 pilot, SGA have been able to realistically represent the aircraft's flight dynamics to a better degree than before.



Condor McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30

FS2004 Condor DC-10-30. The SGA DC10-30 aircraft offers dynamic flexing wings, which means you will see the wings flex up during takeoff, flex up and down on a hard landing or when encountering turbulence in-flight as affected by the current phase of flight and atmospheric conditions. Also with the assistance of a real world DC10 pilot, SGA have been able to realistically represent the aircraft's flight dynamics to a better degree than before



Northwest Airlines 'End of an Era' McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30

FS2004 NWA SGA DC-10-30. This is a repaint of NWA DC-10-30 N237NW (cn 47844/336). On January 8, 2007, N237NWs arrival at Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport of flight 98 from Honolulu, which landed with 273 passengers and a crew of 11 at 5:39 a.m. Central time and taxied into gate F10, marked the retirement of the DC10 from scheduled service at Northwest. The flight departed Honolulu on January 7 at 6:12 p.m. Hawaiian time. Aircraft number 336, which was built in 1980 and joined the Northwest fleet in 1997, was the last of the two remaining DC10s in the airline’s operating fleet to fly passengers in scheduled service. The aircraft operated as flight 99 to Honolulu and flight 98 on the return to the Twin Cities. It and the other remaining DC10 have been sold


Good Landings :flieger:



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Freitag, 19. Januar 2007, 16:41

Ich benutze nur die DC-10 von SGA.....

Meine DC-10 repaints findet man auf meiner Seite:
Gruss Joerg



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Freitag, 19. Januar 2007, 16:51

Von Frank Idone gibts einige DC-10 Repaints. Richtig Klasse Arbeit von dem Mann :respect:Nur leider scheiterts bei mir an einem einigermaßen gutem Panel :no:Bis heute hab ich da noch nix brauchbares gefunden...
GreeZ, Flo :winke:



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Freitag, 19. Januar 2007, 16:55

Dann musst du mal deen GEMINI AIR CARGO PACK runterladen....da ist ein schönes drin…ewtopic.php?551

Oder aber die in den 80ern verünglückte United DC-10 mit dem gleichen Panel

Gruss Joerg



wcf.user.posts: 252

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Freitag, 19. Januar 2007, 17:16

Super :yes:Hast du evtl. ein Bild von dem Panel?
GreeZ, Flo :winke: