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Air Berlin


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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2007, 11:51

Synchrosoft's Soundset für den A380


Neu gibt es ein Soundset für den A380, welches den Sound des Engine Alliance GP7200 berücksichtigt. Erhältlich ist das Soundset für für 9,99€ bei Simmarket zum Download.


Synchro-Soft EA GP7200 Soundset for A380

Engine Alliance GP7000:

The Engine Alliance GP7000 (known as the GP7200 for a brief time period) is a new turbofan jet engine that will incorporate advanced technologies of proven wide-body products, originally from the world's No.1 and No.3 aero-engine manufacturers, GE Aircraft Engines and Pratt & Whitney, but now to also include Snecma Moteurs of France (a CFM International partner with GE), who has recently joined the GP7000 program. Snecma has 20 percent of General Electric’s share of the GP7000 engine program, or 10% as a whole.

Originally intended to power Boeing Commercial Airplanes' cancelled 747X, the engine has since been pushed for Airbus' A380-800 superjumbo. It is built on the GE90 core and new fan and low-pressure system designs.

The competing Rolls-Royce plc Trent 900 was named as the lead engine for the then-named A3XX in 1996 and was initially selected by almost all A380 customers. However the GE/PW engine increased its share of the A380 engine market to the point where it will now power 48% of the super-jumbo fleet. This disparity in sales was resolved in a single transaction, with Emirates' order of 55 GP7000-powered A380-800s, comprising over one third of A380 sales (as of 2007). Emirates has traditionally been a Rolls-Royce customer. A380 aircraft powered by the GP7200s will have A380-86X model numbers as 6 is the code for Engine Alliance engines.

Major customers:
* Emirates
* Air France
* International Lease Finance Corporation
* Korean Air

GP7200 General characteristics:
* Type: two-spool high-bypass turbofan engine
* Length: 474 cm (187 in)
* Diameter: 316 cm (124 in), fan tip 295 cm (116 in)
* Dry weight: 6712 kg (14,798 lb)

* Compressor: hollow-titanium, 24 swept wide-chord hollow titanium fan blades, by-pass ratio of 8.7:1; five-stage low-pressure axial compressor; nine-stage high-pressure axial compressor
* Combustors: low-emissions single annular combustor
* Turbine: two-stage high pressure turbine, boltless architecture, single crystal blades, split blade cooling and thermal barrier coatings, axial flow; six-stage low-pressure axial flow

Viele Grüße,