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Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007, 14:59

UPDATE : ActiveSky v6.5-B551 (BETA)


Es gibt ein neues Update von ActiveSky :luxhello:
Aber OBACHT, ist noch eine BETA Version


Hi all,

This is an unofficial beta, so as usual, please use at your own risk after backing up your existing installation:

Simply install this update over the top of your existing ASv6.5 install. If you are not already updated to ASv6.5, please visit to get the latest official update to ASv6.5. You can then apply this beta update on top if desired.

This update contains some minor changes for beta Vista support and fixes a few minor issues.


Make sure you run this program with Administrator privileges. You can right-click the ASv6 icon and select “Run as Administrator” OR modify the ASv6 icon (right click, properties, compatibility) and check “Run this program as an administrator”. When prompted for your AppData path, choose C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FS9 (or FSX).

Thank you, Damian :thumb:
