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wcf.user.posts: 791

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Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 15:43

Germanwings: Flug kehrt nach Dublin zurück


A Germanwings’ (Cologne) Airbus A319 was forced to make an emergency return to the airport in Dublin after crew members became dizzy and passengers passed out just minutes into the flight. It was feared at the time that the cabin had failed to pressurize properly.

The plane, which was packed full with 117 Irish and German passengers, including two infants and six crew members, was thrown into crisis after a number of passengers passed out just minutes into the flight on May 27. In a terrifying scene for passengers, while they were struggling to stay awake crew members including the co-pilot also became dizzy and unwell. Adding to the growing fears of the over 100 people on board, when the crew was alerted to the emergency some of the oxygen masks which dropped down for passengers failed to operate.

An investigation into the dramatic situation has now been launched by the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit (IAAIU), which is being assisted by its German equivalent the Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation. “While it sounded like a pressurisation issue we don’t believe this is what caused the situation,” explained the Irish Air Accident Investigation Unit (IAAIU) officer leading the investigation.


"Der Mensch ist vielerlei. Aber vernünftig ist er nicht." - Oscar Wilde


Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008, 21:58

Oha, sowas habe ich ja noch nie gehört. Und das sogar noch die Sauerstoffmasken versagen ist heftig.