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Dienstag, 17. August 2010, 19:46

Israel beschafft F 35 Lightning II


The government of Israel has overcome its concerns about technology access on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to a sufficient level to press ahead with the purchase of 20 of the fighters at $96 million per copy.

One of Israel’s concerns has been about its ability to maintain its flexibility in the electronic warfare realm. But the government now seems to feel it can buy and upgrade the aircraft in a way to not become dependent on the U.S. for quick-reaction upgrades to the electronic warfare suite.
Under the deal now planned, aircraft deliveries are slated to start in 2015 and be completed by 2017. That will make the F-35I, as the aircraft will be designated, among the first foreign JSFs in service.

Defense minister Ehud Barak approved the deal in principal, which clears the way for the signing of the letter of agreement to firm up the deal. The Israeli defense ministry says that will happen in a few months. The Israeli cabinet still has to approve the deal, too.
Barak says the deal “will allow Israel to continue maintaining air superiority in our region.”

The participation of Israeli industry and potential exports contributed to the deal going forward.


20 Stück der I- Version....
Das deutet daraufhin, daß die Israelis einen Großteil an einheimischer Avionik verbuaen, was wiederum heissen könnte, daß ihnen exklusiver Zugang zu den Programmcodes des Fliegers eingeräumt wird......
Der erste Auftrag, der an eine Nation außerhalb des Entwicklungskonsortiums geht....... :shocked:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Dienstag, 17. August 2010, 20:18


The government of Israel has overcome its concerns about technology access on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to a sufficient level to press ahead with the purchase of 20 of the fighters at $96 million per copy.

One of Israel’s concerns has been about its ability to maintain its flexibility in the electronic warfare realm. But the government now seems to feel it can buy and upgrade the aircraft in a way to not become dependent on the U.S. for quick-reaction upgrades to the electronic warfare suite.
Under the deal now planned, aircraft deliveries are slated to start in 2015 and be completed by 2017. That will make the F-35I, as the aircraft will be designated, among the first foreign JSFs in service.

Defense minister Ehud Barak approved the deal in principal, which clears the way for the signing of the letter of agreement to firm up the deal. The Israeli defense ministry says that will happen in a few months. The Israeli cabinet still has to approve the deal, too.
Barak says the deal “will allow Israel to continue maintaining air superiority in our region.”

The participation of Israeli industry and potential exports contributed to the deal going forward.


20 Stück der I- Version....
Das deutet daraufhin, daß die Israelis einen Großteil an einheimischer Avionik verbuaen, was wiederum heissen könnte, daß ihnen exklusiver Zugang zu den Programmcodes des Fliegers eingeräumt wird......
Der erste Auftrag, der an eine Nation außerhalb des Entwicklungskonsortiums geht....... :shocked:

Dies news ist schon ein paar Tage alt. Zugriff bekommen die Israelis nicht. Nur Ihre Waffen werden verbaut. So auf jeden Fall der aktuelle Stand.


Dienstag, 17. August 2010, 20:30

Um die Waffen am Flieger anzubauen und einsetzen zu können, muß man Zugang zur Elektronik und zur Waffenanlage bekomen, sonst erkennt nicht mal das stores mangement system die verschiedenen Waffentypen. Und die verschiedenen Waffen haben auch unterschiedlichste aerodynamische und ballistische Eigenschaften.....
Deswegen ist der Zugang zu den Programmcodes unerläßlich..... :yes:

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)


Dienstag, 17. August 2010, 21:29

Um die Waffen am Flieger anzubauen und einsetzen zu können, muß man Zugang zur Elektronik und zur Waffenanlage bekomen, sonst erkennt nicht mal das stores mangement system die verschiedenen Waffentypen. Und die verschiedenen Waffen haben auch unterschiedlichste aerodynamische und ballistische Eigenschaften.....
Deswegen ist der Zugang zu den Programmcodes unerläßlich..... :yes:

Das habe ich mir auch überlegt. Aber LM will den Flieger für Israel anpassen. Ich denke mal damit ich gemeint das die Jungs alles so anpassen das die Software etc die Waffen erkennen. Kann mir aber nicht vorstellen das Lm so einen Aufwand betreibt. Aber der "service" soll ja auch in USA oder von Amis durchgeführt werden?


Always Check six!

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Mittwoch, 18. August 2010, 19:44

So eine Anpassung ist immens komplex. Die Waffen müssen von der Avionik erkannt werden, die Ballistik bzw. die sonst notwendigen Daten müssen in die Software des Fliegers, jede Aussenlast muß getestet und schliesslich für den Flight Envelope freigegeben werden, der Hauptrechner muss mit allen Stationen klarkommen etc., etc.. Das erfordert einen intensiven Datenaustausch, zumindest in die Richtung nach USA, wenn die das denn alles machen sollen/wollen.
Viele Grüße

If in doubt mumble, if in trouble delegate!
ASUS P8Z77-V Pro, 16GB DIMM DDR3, i7-3770 OC 4,0 GHz, GTX 680 2 GB


Montag, 4. Oktober 2010, 21:01

F-35 Fleet Grounded Due to Software Issue


The Lockheed Martin F-35 program has been plagued by cost overruns, and issues with software/systems on some variants. The program has hit another setback with flight-testing for the entire F-35 fleet being grounded after a fuel flow issue was noted in lab testing.

The Pentagon announced the F-35 fleet was grounded on October 1 according to Defense News. The main issue for all variants of the F-35 that lead to the grounding was a software issue with the three fuel flow boost pumps that are used in flight. The software problems caused incorrect sequencing of the boost pumps and was discovered in lab testing.

Pentagon spokeswoman Cheryl Irwin said, "This could have possibly triggered a shutdown on the three boost pumps, which could potentially cause an engine stall [if left uncorrected]." Irwin stated that the worst-case scenario of engine stall was highly unlikely but "prudence dictated a suspension of operations, temporarily, until the fuel boost pump signal timing was corrected."

Another issues has caused F-35B testing to be prohibited from testing in STOVL mode due to an issue with the auxiliary inlet door hinge on test aircraft BF-1. The issue with the aircraft was noticed on post flight inspection according to spokesman John Kent form Lockheed Martin. The auxiliary inlet doors open to provide additional air to the F-35B in STOVL operations.

Koimpletter Text!

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)