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Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 09:32

FlightSim Labs A320 News

Da geht was voran ...

Quelle(ich glaube, Registrierung nötig)


Hi all,

it's now Monday evening and we're safely home after a nice journey back from Munich, where a big part of the FSLabs crew had a chance to meet and greet those of you who attended the 10th Aerosoft Flight Simulation Conference.

Our good friends at Aerosoft had asked us if we could give a demonstration of the upcoming A320-X for their audience and we welcomed the opportunity, as we unveiled a lot of the technical details on what's going on behind the curtains, as well as, for the first time, a good look on the visual accuracy that accompanies what we consider the next step ahead in Flight Simulation.

The technical part of the demonstration included discussions on what it takes to make such a complex aircraft come to life within FSX - Advances that take place outside the limited realm of the FSX flight and engine models, discussions on the ARINC protocols which make up the heart of our systems and gauge communications and can potentially allow our systems to connect to external hardware, the extensibility of the product itself - details that are way too many to list here, but will make the more science-minded of you appreciate how deep our simulation goes - above and beyond anything that has been seen so far inside FSX.

While those details are the core of our product, they are not easily visible - at least not as easily as the part that is more readily recognizable by our simmers - namely, the external model and virtual cockpit. As such, I'm very happy to share with you for the first time some screenshots of our A320-X that we're sure will shed some light on the complexity and detail we're putting in our product. Keeping in mind that these are shots of our product still in development, we hope they will give you a renewed idea of exciting things to come!

Weiterer Kommentar eines Entwicklers:


Those of you who have flown our Concorde-X product will know what to expect in terms of system fidelity on our A320-X – but let me tell you, what we have done on the A320 far surpasses the detail found on the Concorde.

We have modeled every switch, every contactor, every valve, actuator, pump, generator, relay, circuit breaker, capacitor – the level of detail we have gone to on this thing is mind blowing. We have even developed simulation models of the fuel and hydraulic liquid that flow around the aircraft.

Our A320 will boast a new Jet Engine Simulation Program, developed specifically for the A3XX series that takes the engine simulation away from FSX entirely. We have recorded thousands of engine parameters for both CFM and IAE engine types and have modeled each variant to a very high specification.

We are very excited about this product and all of the features we have added. We believe, this is the only way to develop a true to life simulation of the A320.



thanks for the compliments!

Everything is still in development (so the textures in the VC as well) - however, permit us to hold some aces up our sleeve regarding the weathered look - I am pretty sure you'll really be pleasantly surprised by the final product! (Yes, that was a hint :) ).

Bilder kann man auf Facebookbestaunen (ohne Registrierung)

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 11:11

Das hört sich doch schon vielversprechend an.

Werde die Entwicklung auf jeden Fall weiter verfolgen.

Ein gescheiter Airbus wäre ein Traum :love2:
Gruß, Michael


Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 11:24

Das wär tatsächlich was........ :love2:

Lauter Werkzeuge halt

Boeing-737 Fan

Sucht nach dem richtigen Fluggerät

wcf.user.posts: 362

Wohnort: Linz

Beruf: Schüler

  • Nachricht senden


Mittwoch, 28. März 2012, 15:38

Auf den freu ich mich schon nach mehreren Airbus Enttäuschungen in FSX.
:thx: für die Antwort

Ciao, Max


Montag, 9. April 2012, 00:42

Hier ist ein Interview in den Aerosoft Sim News:

Part 1

Man geizt nicht mit Selbstbewußtsein:


In our A320, the virtual pilot will not only enjoy a visually stimulating product with even the smallest label being clearly readable on the external model wings, fuselage and engine, but will also be able to fly the way only licensed ATPL pilots were previously able to fly, whether in a Class-D motion simulator or in the real aircraft.

Part II


endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Montag, 9. April 2012, 00:58

ich fliege ja keine Zivilen flieger, aber gibt es nichts von PMDG, also in Sachen Airbus ?

Schade das nach der Concorde nicht wieder was spezielles kommt :(


Montag, 9. April 2012, 01:12

ich fliege ja keine Zivilen flieger, aber gibt es nichts von PMDG, also in Sachen Airbus ?

Dominik, ein Airbus von PMDG wäre ja aber auch ein ziviler Flieger :D
Aber nein, PMDG bringt derzeit keinen Airbus. Es sind aber einige "Secrets" in der Leitung ... wer weiß? ...

Schade das nach der Concorde nicht wieder was spezielles kommt :(

naja, schade ist eher relativ.
Die Flusigemeinde lechzt nach einem ordentlichen Airbus ...

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof