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Chicago Bear

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Freitag, 18. Mai 2007, 20:32

Levasseur PL8 v3.15

Hallo Freunde der Classic Aviation :tag:

Bei AVSIM gibt es einen echt alten Klassiker, die "Levasseur PL8" für den FSX.

Leider ist in der gezippten Datei nur ein Minibild vorhanden, die Installation geht aber anscheinend mit einer .exe schnell von der Hand.


Levasseur PL8 v3.15

File Description:
Derived from three-seater Levasseur PL4 (reconnaissance aircraft) of the Naval Aviation, the PL8 "White Dove" is especially built by the firm of Pierre Levasseur,
for the raid PARIS - New York, envisage by Charles Nungesser and François Coli.
It is under the direction of the chief of studies Emile Farret and the works manager Albert Longelot,
that work for the realization of the PL8 was executate. For the achievement of the raid,
the fuselage was widens in order to be able to placed in "coast at coast" the pilot and the navigator, the hull was redrawn,
the two front places are removed in order to be able to install the three enormous tanks and to thus carry the capacity of fuel to the 4025 liters necessary to the long crossing envisaged.
" Nothing is left randomly, the engine is tested during 43 hours in Chartres, what makes it possible to the technicians to appreciate its capacities,
its consumption and to thus calculate the potential distance which it can carry out with its fuel reserve.

Hier geht´s zum Download: Levasseur PL8 v3.15

Viel Spass damit. :)


Montag, 21. Mai 2007, 11:36

RE: Levasseur PL8 v3.15


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