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Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2010, 17:42

Orbx/FTX : AU Canberra CityScape

Neuigkeiten aus Down Under :luxhello:

Ergänzend zum Airport Canberra YSCB - der noch in der Mache ist- sind tolle Screenshots von Canberra City im FTX-Forum zu sehen.

Aber lassen wir John selber ran :yes:


This project is a hugely ambitious undertaking, and has already been in development for over twelve months. Lead developer on the project is Maurizio Giorgi (Death Valley, Tuscany, Mexico for OZx) who has some of the best credentials in the FS business when it comes to autogen annotation for photoreal projects.

With CityScape Canberra, Orbx will introduce the world's largest hand-placed autogen city ever developed. Almost every single house, trees, factory, office, hotel, government building, landmark and significant POI is annotated or modelled and accurately placed - for almost the ENTIRE CITY and SUBURBS!! The sensation of flying over a real city is unlike anything you've experienced in the simulator until now.

Cityscape Canberra will be sold as a seperate addon to compliment YSCB Canberra International Airport being developed by Hugh Johnston (YCNK Cessnock). We will release YSCB Canberra International Airport in a few months, and Cityscape Canberra next year sometime, since there's at least another year's work to do on this massive autogen project.

Some of the screenshots feature glimpses of YSCB perfectly blended into the Cityscape regional area.

This series of shots covers the the SE sector of the city, including the Russell offices precinct, Fyshwick, Queanbeyan and some incredible hand-placed plantations south of the airport. We'll show you more areas of the city as they are developed.

Viel mehr Shots und Infos hier im FTX-Forum



Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2010, 19:49

Wunderbar, Canberra war schon immer eine meiner Lieblingsdestinationen. :thumbsup: