Bereits schon am 14.12 kam die Meldung, gerade eben erst gesehn:
The database server was hacked. The damage is too specific and confined. I'll have more info in the coming hours.
Bin grad noch am durchstöbern des Threads, den Rest gibts zumindest hier:
Welche Folgen jetzt direkt für FSP resultieren, kann ich noch nicht sagen.. Aber das würde erklären wieso bezüglich der 767 nichts neues Released wurde.
About 250MB of forum data was lost from the old posky public and private forums and one other forum. I still have sql dumps from the old posky forums from the end of last month. I think the real target was the other non public forum based upon recent non public recent events. All 3 were hit as they were under the same user account in the database, which I have deleted. It looks to be an inside job from a former posky member but I have no proof or evidence to back this up this claim. I only have suspensions. There has been some major non public events concerning a very small group people which I consider to be my "prime suspect list" but the actual damage done seems beyond their technical abilities unless they brought on and gave someone else the needed info.
Das hier ist interessant: es wird vermutet, dass ehemalige Poskymember dafür verantwortlich sind.