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Samstag, 28. März 2009, 10:22

Lanzerote X v2 von Fly Wonderful Islands


hat wer von Euch schon von dieser Designgruppe gehört ? FWI bzw. Fly Wonderful Islands ?

Jedenfalls führt simmarket nun deren neuestes Addon im Programm : LANZAROTE X V2


LanzaroteV2 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X

The airport of Lanzarote is situated 5 KM of Arrecife in the Canary Iles, the airport GCRR at is construction was a military airport, and divided today with the civil airport. An airport that growing constantly with an attendance of more than 6 million passengers per year. This scene represents a realistic and complete representation of the airport and his environment: re worked landclass, reliefs, the roads, the cities, ports: Pourto del Caarm, Las_Colorada, Arrecife…; Parco Nazionale di Timanfaya this scenery is the perfect for an unforgettable trip under the shadow of the volcanoes. Destination for yours summer flights…


* Original detailed airport scenery
* 3D Signalizations and taxi lights
* Numerous static objects at the airport
* Landclass
* Mesh Terrain
* Corrected coastlines

System requirements for FSX :
* Microsoft Flight Simulator X (with the Service Pack 2 found at
* Windows XP, Vista
* Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 or Intel Core 2 Extreme 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM recommended)
* Graphic card with minimal 256 MB RAM (512 recommended)
* Download Size: 76.3 Mo
* Install Size: 123.0 Mo

Jede Menge Screenshots auf der Herstellerseite, der Download bei simmarket kostet EUR 19,03
