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Aircraft Features (for FSX)
- Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A380
- Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
- NEW : Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
- Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
- 3DSMax exterior/interior models with high resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
- Numerous international liveries : Airbus livery - Air France - British Airways - China Southern Airlines - Emirates - Etihad Airways - Korean Air Lines - Lufthansa - Qantas Airways - Singapore Airlines - Virgin Atlantic Airways.
- Outstanding 3D Cabin : luxury First Class, economy class, sleeper cabins,...
- Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
- Flight dynamics based on manufacturer specifications
- Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
- Numerous sound effects
- Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
- Frame-rate friendly.
- Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).
Panel Features (for FSX)
- Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
- 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
- Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
- Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
- Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
- Day and night lighting.
- Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
- Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
- Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
- Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.
EFIS Features (for FSX)
- All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
- All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
Advanced Configuration Module (for FSX)
- Integrated module accessible through the Flight Simulator pull-down menu
Available features: User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
Systems Features (for FSX)
- Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) and caution messages.
- Radio Management panel.
- Realistic auto-brake system.
- Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
- Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system
- Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes
- Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system
- Alert system
FMS Features (for FSX)
The flight management system is composed of :
- Basic features
- Advanced features
- SID/STAR management
Hardware Compatibility
Go Flight modules (except GF-MCP Pro) & Track IR Deluxe Pack.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »shmalee« (28. April 2008, 13:23)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »nextlevelsimulations« (29. April 2008, 04:10)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »lol_nickname« (20. Juni 2008, 12:45)
EDIT- Ok hasts selber gechecktZitat
File size : 92Mb
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »TobiHSV« (20. Juni 2008, 12:46)
Original von Juergen_LOWW
Wer sagt das denn ? Ist etwas nur dann gut wenn es 1,5 GB groß ist ?
(warum fällt mir jetzt gerade Captain Sim ein )
Original von lol_nickname
ein A380 mit allem drum und dran
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »lol_nickname« (20. Juni 2008, 18:34)
Original von lol_nickname
Edit: habe hier ein Review gefunden:
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
The Musican
Wohnort: Ursprünglich Hagen: EP03 -- Jetzt Berlin EDDT
Original von Lufthanseat
Original von Juergen_LOWW
NLS und nix anderes
Ist jawohl klar
Sieht ja tausendmal besser aus
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »nextlevelsimulations« (21. Juni 2008, 22:09)
Forensoftware: Burning Board® 3.0.24, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH