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Freitag, 22. Februar 2008, 00:43

ZürichX - Vom 22.02. - 24.02.2008 20% Rabatt


Versionen für FS9 und FSX verfügbar.
Hab selbst den Airport und kann ihn nur weiterempfehlen.

Gruß Frank


Hello to all,

Since IVAO is starting a fly-in at Zurich this weekend

We thought it would be appropriate to start a special offer, just for this weekend, to buy Zurich scenery for a special price.

By inserting this code:


In the "Coupon ID" field on the order page for Zurich, you'll be offered a 20% discount for Zurich scenery! We remind that the license is always valid for both FSX and FS9 version.

The coupon will be valid starting from Tomorrow 22-02-2008, and will expire on Sunday 24-02-2008. After that date, the coupon will not be valid anymore.