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for those who did not install the FSX beta yet here are some details:
I downloaded it from fileplanet primarily because of the SDK.
In short, you will need a one month subscription ($7) from fileplanet to download the beta from…r-X-Beta-Client
As long as you do not have a beta product registration, you are kicked out of FSX after 30 minutes, but you can restart. The beta key link at fileplanet does not work - 'invalid email adress'.
I am amazed with the product - and in particular, the SDK's.
FSX Deluxe will come with
Camera Configuration
Mission creation
Autogen SDK
BGL Compiler
Special Effects SDK
Terrain SDK
Traffic Toolbox
As mostly interested in interaction with FSX parameters, SimConnect was tested with good success. Writing the first interface from scratch took less than 90 min. I was able to compile a console application as well as a WIN32 module using Visual C++.
Microsoft delivers a professional, HTML-based documentation together with the product.
Generally, SimConnect will be installed in every FSX installation.
It is a DLL included in the installation. You can install SimConnect (with a special installer) on remote machines which interact with a FSX installation. E.g., placing a laptop (without FSX) next to your flighsim PC for the display of some gauges, flight tracking, autopilot is possible.
FSX will no longer load DLL's during startup, unless you tell the program to do this. Two XML documents (exe.xml and dll.xml) are to be used to instruct loading of DLL's and EXE files.
Microsoft recommends to design addons as EXE files rather than DLL's, so that problems in your addon do not interfere with the FSX engine.
This is great also because you do not have to stop / restart the flightsim during the development / debugging processes. Just compile your new EXE version of the addon with FSX running in the background, connect, and test immediately.
Within Visual C++, using Simconnect is as easy as adding a header (simconnect.h) and adding a library file in project options (simconnect.lib).
DLL projects now need a definition file with undecoration of DLLStart and DLLStop, but that should be it.
If you compile an EXE and start this within or without the FSX home directory, you receive an error message - a complain that your EXE cannot find SimConnect.dll. Hidden in the directories of the installation is the solution:
Every instance of your EXE should have an additional (manifest) module in the same directory - place a copy of this in the same directory as a SimConnect client .exe and change that copy's name to the same name as the client .exe with ".manifest" appended to it - that's it.
The documentation says that there will be new versions of the SDK out from time to time, but there is backward compatibility.
Adding menu entries to FSX via SimConnect is included.
Window management within FSX is not included - at least I did not find it yet. So opening 'your own window' or displaying 'your own dialog box' is not (yet) possible.
In conclusion, I like the product very much. The SDK's really seem to be what we have waited for so long !!
BTW: Hardware requirements for FSX are obviously much less than stated previously. I was able to run the Beta nicely ('medium high') even from a USB-connected external hard drive on a 2 Ghz Pentium 4 with a cheap Radeon graphic card and 1 Gb RAM. Please dont buy new hardware unless you have tested FSX on your old systems.Hi,
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bambi_007« (16. Oktober 2006, 17:05)
Original von ubootwilli
Hallo Maverick,
nochmal was grundsätzliches,
die Version die DU hast ist Original von Microsoft oder
Sollte dies nämlich nicht der Fall sein, dann können und wollen wir hier nicht weiterhelfen :no: :no: :no:.
Bei der Internetrecherche nach deinem angezeigten Fehler bin ich darauf gestossen das dieser bei einer DL - Version bei DVD 1 auftritt.
Am besten Du wendest dich direkt an den Produktsupport von MS!
Gruß Klaus
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bambi_007« (16. Oktober 2006, 17:11)
Original von Maverick
Fehlerziffer: 1935 SimConnect und irgendwas mit x86...
wenn du mehr brauchst muss ich es noch mal installieren und nen
Scrennshot machen...
Gruß Maverick
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bambi_007« (17. Oktober 2006, 12:01)
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