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Original von Juergen_LOWW
Ab in die mit Dir
Quelle AVSIM Forums
With this in mind, we are going to change course on a previously firm commitment that we had made to produce the PMDG MD-11 as an FSX only product. After evaluating the market once again, we have concluded that we can do a better job of serving your needs by appreciating your desire to upgrade to FSX when your hardware capabilities warrant such a move, rather than forcing you to move in line with our development cycle. Earlier in August, we began the process of converting the PMDG MD-11 to dual platform compatibility.
As is traditional with PMDG, I am not going to provide any release date expectation other than to say that we are still a few months away. The transition to dual platform capability presents its own unique set of challenges, and some that we may not yet have discovered. The process of developing a second, entirely independent MD-11 visual model for FS9 is not one that we undertake lightly, and I cannot underestimate how much work will be involved in that piece of this project alone.
In the end, I think that this decision should bring some happiness to a number of customers who do not feel that they will run FSX efficiently in the near future. While it does kick the release schedule for the MD-11 back along the calendar pages- we think that most of you will agree that the additional time will be worth the end result.
Now, looking forward, here is what you can expect:
The PMDG MD-11 will be released in FS9 and FSX compatible versions simultaneously. We are still a few months away from a general release here. We are very close to merging the VC and 2D cockpits into the simulation and this will mean you should begin seeing some very detailed screen shots in the near future. This product is probably one of the more exciting developments I've seen in some time- the MD-11 is so different than the Airbus and Boeing cockpits you've all become used to that it really will be enjoyable to learn and fly something entirely new!
Original von ferrari2k
Na wunderbar, hat sich das Jammern ja doch gelohnt
Original von ferrari2k
Wie siehts eigentlich aus, gibts schon näheres?
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Balu der Bär« (31. Dezember 2007, 14:59)
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
Wohnort: Rostock /- zur zeit Schiffswerft Keelung Taiwan
Beruf: Schiffsmechaniker
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ferrari2k« (1. Januar 2008, 19:30)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Balu der Bär« (1. Januar 2008, 19:37)
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