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Samstag, 24. März 2012, 17:19

PMDG News: 777, 747 v 2.0 und DC-6

Laut News auf AVSIM haben PMDG auf der Flusikonferenz in Oberschelißheim (HRH Capt Randazzo himself war anwesend) verkündet, dass die 777 noch dieses Jahr rauskommt und danach ("shortly")eine 747 v2.0 basierend auf der Technik NGX/777

Goil! :thumbup:


PMDG Announces B777 Progress and B747-400 Version 2.0!

PMDG today announced the soon to commence BETA testing of their eagerly anticipated B777 and surprised everyone by announcing that the next version of their venerable B747, Version 2.0, will follow shortly thereafter. Both will be released within a month or two of each other.

At the Aerosoft Convention in Munich, Germany, today, PMDG made a presentation in which Rob Randazzo, CEO, reviewed PMDG's development processes since 2008 and explained how PMDG has made some fundamental design decision directions in their evolving product line. At this presentation Rob also presented some of the images you see in this article.

PMDG has historically been known for a development cycle that ranges in a two to three year period. Attendees at Rob's presentation were also surprised to hear that the B777 is within a month or two of BETA testing, signaling a rapidly approaching release date. That will be followed within a month or two by the B747-400 Version 2.0 and its companion 747-8i.

The all new 747-400 package is known as V2.0 and it is based upon the same technology engine currently driving the NGX and the B777. The airframe will remain the venerable PMDG 747-400 that sim enthusiasts around the world know and love. The same high resolution techniques incorporated in the NGX are also incorporated in the 747, and are expected to operate significantly more efficiently. The 748 version will also include the same unique cockpit system.

Und weiter hierzu aus dem PMDG Forum von Rayn "Tabs":


Just a couple things (I have to leave for the day in a sec):

1. Yes, the 744 v 2.0 is Secret Project #2. It's being made in parallel with the 777. A -8 will be made as the expansion and it'll be the full deal with cockpit/systems differences, FDE/engine modelling etc, not just the visual model and sound.

2. I actually have an alpha version of the 777 already running here right now, yes.

I'll let RSR tell you all more when he gets back from the convention (I assume tonight).


endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof



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Samstag, 24. März 2012, 17:40

Ja, das stimmt. Ich war nämlich heute dort. ;)
Regards from Germany


Flight Simulator Pictures


Samstag, 24. März 2012, 17:51

Welche Versionen werden umgesetzt?? Womöglich 200 LR oder 300ER, 200F??

"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."Bob Knight

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.."
(Benjamin Franklin)



wcf.user.posts: 417

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Samstag, 24. März 2012, 18:07

Welche Versionen werden umgesetzt?? Womöglich 200 LR oder 300ER, 200F??

Von einer Frachtversion wurde noch nichts gesagt, aber die anderen zwei kommen definitiv.
Regards from Germany


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Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 11:21

Das war der einzige Vortrag den ich leider nicht gehört habe :D
"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return"
- Leonardo da Vinci


Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 11:23

Mhmmm, 777. Das einzige für mich reizvolle Heavy-Dickblech. :D
Screenshots, wir wollen Screenshots! :weg:
| Intel i7 5930K @4.25 Ghz | 32GB DDR4-3400 | Asus STRIX X99 Gaming | STRIX GTX 1080 SLI OC'd |
| Oculus Rift CV1 | TrackIR 5 | Slaw USAF Pedals | Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog | Obutto r3volution |

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it...


Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 14:23

Hier hast Du deineScreenshots. Erstmal nur von außen, also nicht wirklich spannend.


Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 15:32

Von Innen gab es doch auch welche, in dem ersten Link den Günter gepostet hatte.


Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 15:53

Da wird dann PMDG schneller die T7 raus bringen,als CaptainSim! :lol2:
...runter kommen SIE ALLE


Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 18:04

Soll demnächst nicht auch eine 777 von QualityWings kommen??

Achne, ist ja die 787 ...
Gruß, Michael

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »WiscMic« (25. März 2012, 18:24)


Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012, 09:03

Mal wieder news von PMDG mit dem alten Klassikersatz: "we aren't progressing as quickly as we would like." :D



I have been somewhat invisible in the forum recently- which many of you will recognize from history means that we are at that "peak of heavy lifting" on the 777.

I wanted to give you a quick update on a few items that are currently in the mix- as well as clear up a few items that have "taken on a life of their own" so to speak.

PMDG 777-200LR:
The PMDG 777-200LR is progressing exceptionally well. While we have not hit any significant developmental snags as we did with the NGX (my head hurts just thinking about that development cycle!) we aren't progressing as quickly as we would like. This has everything to do with the things we have decided to add to this airplane and very little to do with technical difficulty or getting hung up developing new technology... On the NGX HUD for example, we were inventing new technology and it set us back four full months. On the 777 we are refining technologies we already developed for the NGX so things are quite a bit easier- but we have added some things to the airplane that were not part of our original work-plan and that means taking a bit more time as well....

Just as we did with the NGX- we aren't showing you much at this point in time for a couple of reasons. First, we want to get the airplane "cleaned up" before we show it to you in order to make for a much more robust preview series. (I don't like having to say: "ignore XYZ that is in there as part of a test," etc.)

Second, just as we did with the NGX we are holding our cards close to our chest in order not to tip our hand on just how sweet this airplane has become.

I'm not certain precisely when we will start sharing her with you- but it shouldn't be too much longer to wait. (Disclaimer: I am offering no measurable timeline here... for those who like to parse my sentences. )

We are not giving much attention to the artificial timelines such as "alpha testing" or "Beta testing" etc in our information cycle this time around. Right now the only timeline we are working with is the potential release timeline and that has not changed since the day we started development. At this point we are only telling you that release is anticipated this year. (Note: This estimate is an estimate based on what we know as of this moment. It is not a contract- and we reserve the right to release the product at any point between now and 2038.)

As always- we are having a ton of fun packing functionality into the airplane. We are looking forward to previewing her for you when the time is right!

We are preparing to make live the Captain and Chief Pilot manual sets for the 777. I anticipate that they will go live in the next 7-10 days or so... We are going to be offering 10% off initially- and the price will go up once the 777 releases- so get your order in early!

The DC-6 is getting dangerously close to beta testing! I had anticipated this project releasing to you mid summer, but i think maybe she'll be a bit later than that. I am going to coordinate with Henning to get some previews out relatively soon (after the office move... see other post for details on that.)

As some of you know- I'm a bit of a classic propliner fanatic and this airplane tickles the funny bone in a way that glass cockpits simply cannot... If you are even remotely interested in piloting- this airplane will give you no-end to challenges. Unlike a jet, you can't just power the motors to idle and dive for the ground- it takes some planning!

(Don't worry- we'll teach you how!)

This will be the first airplane we start previewing- and I'm betting it will release ahead of the 777... Stay tuned for more.

PMDG 747-400 v2.0:
As many of you know- the 400 is my favorite airplane by quite a margin- so it is really exciting to be at work on this airframe once again. We are not going to preview this airplane for you until the 777 is released or nearly released- but work is moving forward on schedule.

Last week we had a robust internal debate on how to adapt our house colors so that the v2.0 airplane would be visually differentiated from the original 400X... Pete and Jason collaborated on a really outstanding new livery for the 400v2.0 and I think you'll really like what they came up with.

PMDG 737NG Future Development (SP2, ERs, Mils, etc)
I have mentioned a couple of times- but I'll say again here just for clarity that the next update to the NGX product line will take place after the 777 release.

This will allow us to unify some changes to the operation of products as we refine some technologies currently inside both the NGX and the 777.

We are currently working to expand the SDK capabilities in the 777 based upon feedback we have gotten from a number of hardware developers. The improved functionality that results will be folded into the NGX through an update to that product after the 777 development is completed.

Okay- lets see... What am I forgetting?

OH- yes- this one:

PMDG WoodPigeon:
We are still arguing over whether to use stitz or standard aviation canvas on this one. We did have a small mishap with a gas torch and one of Dr. Vaos' cigarettes and the tail of the airplane- but we found a role of masking tape that matches what is left of the rudder and we think it should still fly relatively well....

Stay tuned....


Anm.: Threadtitel editiert

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Samstag, 7. Juli 2012, 11:09

Das Interesse an PMDG scheint ja merklich abgeflaut zu sein :D

Jedenfalls wieder einmal ein Status-Update:
(die meiner meinung nach wichtigen Statements wurden von mir gefettet)



Happy Saturday morning to all of you!

I have been out of circulation for the better part of a month, so I wanted to give you a quick update on some broader status items...

PMDG 777:
The 777 continues to move along, but at a slightly slower pace than planned. I thought we would be pushing the airplane into testing late this month, but I think we are looking a bit further down the road before we take that step, as a few developers on the team have had to take some extended time away in order to tend to various family matters.

A new build has just gone out to the development team that includes some significant new progress in the areas of cockpit automation and crew assistance systems... The whole airplane is really beginning to come together and we will start showing parts of her to you in the weeks ahead.

This airplane really builds well on top of the technologies we developed for the NGX- and we are adding additional functionality to the SDK in order to accommodate features and capabilities that have been requested by various developers in the field. (I'm being intentionally **ue on what these new capabilities are in order to protect our concepts and the concepts of various development partners...)

Many of these features will be rolled backward into the NGX which will really be pretty neat.

Overall the 777 is looking fantastic and beginning to take shape well- we are looking forward to making the transition to testing- whenever that happens to be. (We aren't going to talk much about it until after it has gone to testing- as this "transition" is really an invisible one to end customers...)

PMDG 747-400v2.0:
I appear to have created a bit of confusion by accident in an earlier post- so the information here replaces any earlier information on the topic:

Work on the 744v2.0 will begin to accelerate during the middle of next week, as we are finally ready to move the NGX/777 code base into the third project to be built on that platform. Vin is still touching up the 777 VC and he will begin working on the 744 just as soon as he is finished with the 777 (which should be very soon!)

The 747-400v2.0 project will initial model the 747-400 (well, duh, Rob... really?) and will then be followed by an expansion pack which adds the 747-8i, along with the required model/cockpit/systems/logic changes that are incorporated into the 747-8i/F fleet.

I'm not going to guess when we will begin previewing this airplane for you because the only way to describe that timeline is to do it in relation to the 777, and I don't want someone to jump all over me if the 744v2.0 preview starts earlier or later than described in relation to the 777... You follow my meaning? Good....

Douglas DC-6:
A new build of this product went up for internal testing this week, and we anticipate moving this project into wider testing in the weeks ahead. We have one specific area on the airplane that requires the attention of a developer currently buried in the 777, but once he is free of 777 timeline obligations he will be completing his assigned tasks on the DC-6- and that will allow the airplane to go into beta testing!

We are looking for DC-6 type rated testers to help out with testing this project- so if you are rated on the airplane or currently working to maintain them- please reach out to us via our support ticket system. We'd like to talk to you!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not take beta testing solicitations in the forum, by forum private message, or by telephone. You should fill out a ticket describing your background and experience and we will get back to you to request proof of qualifications at a future date.

Also please note that this solicitation applies ONLY to the DC-6- and you must have verifiable experience with the airplane.

Effective Monday, 09JUL12 we will be inaugurating operations from our new corporate headquarters located in Alexandria, VA.

I have been out of circulation for slightly more than a month as we migrated from the west coast of the US to the east coast. The location of the office geographically and "time-zoneally" (I made that word up because I couldn't think of a better one!) should have no impact on any of you. Our average support ticket answering time is lower than it has ever been, and both Paul and Ryan continue to keep an eye on things even while I am trying to un-bury myself from a sea of cardboard boxes...

(Oh- and any stories you might hear about me hunting deer on federal lands in West Virginia are completely bogus. We all know I'm not any good with a firearm and that deer jumped into my lane anyway- so taking it out with my truck was just the natural course of animal instinct meeting bad timing and the irresistible force of physics.... B) )

We have completed the quality control check on the 777 flight manuals, and these will go up for sale very soon. These manuals will be a must-study for anyone serious about the 777!

There are no changes on this front- I will give you a further update later in July as we have time to evaluate the market for Xplane aircraft.

Okay- I think that covers the major topics for today... I hope you all have a really enjoyable weekend!

(I'll be inside and coding... going to be 106F with 80% humidity most of the weekend!)

Quelle PMDG Forum

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof



wcf.user.posts: 3 620

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Samstag, 7. Juli 2012, 11:52

Hört sich doch gut an :)
Fortschritt an allen Fronten.


Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 12:28

22DEC12 - Development Cycle Updates!

laaaanger Text, deshalb erstmal hier nur die Themen:


Okay- so here is what I have on tap for you in this pre-Christmas update:

777 progress update

So you want to be a PMDG Tester?

747-400v2.0 progress update

DC-6 progress update

Xplane development update

Okay- so let us get started!

ich les es jetzt erstmal durch und gebe nachher ein paar Stichpunkte als Zusammenfassung

EDIT: hier sind sie:

wird das Beste, Tollste, kann einiges mehr als die NGX (soll nicht abwertend klingen - PMDG halten ja auch, was sie versprechen).

Wichtigster Punkt: Release:
nicht in diesem Jahr ("ach!" ;) ), aber man hat bereits einige Entwickler vom Projekt abgezogen, will heißen, man ist im Endstatium und geht bald in eine sehr kurze Beta-Phase.

Würde ich PMDG nicht kennen, würde ich aufgrund dieser Aussage vom 1.Quartal 2013 sprechen - vielleicht wird's dann ja Sommer :D

Beta Tester
kurzum: kann man vergessen.
Es würden aber grade 777 oder DC-6 Mechaniker oder Piloten gesucht.
Alles andere braucht sich keine Hoffnungen zu machen ...

es wird daran Entwickelt (eben von jenen, die von der 777 abgezogen wurden.
Die 747 sei vom Grad der Automatisierung einfacher, deshalb weniger aufwändig.
Zu sehen gibt's aber erst was nach dem 777 Release!

"es wird uns aber von den Socken hauen"

völlig überraschend wird die DC-6 irgendwann nach der 777 released.
Deren Entwicklung sei ein wenig hintenangestellt worden.

Wenn ich das richtig übersetzt habe, wird dieses Addon "unsere Lachmuskeln strapazieren" :?: :hm:
(man möge mich korrigieren ...)

man habe sich entschieden, welches Flugzeug das erste von PMDG für X-Plane sein wird.
Die Wntwicklung wird aber länger dauern als gedacht.
Welches Flugzeug das sein wird, wird erst kurz vor Fertigstellung bekannt gegeben.

RSR wird nun wieder ein wenig mehr Zeit haben, im Forum zu schreiben.
Es war eine Zeit im Projekt, wo es einfach nicht viel zu sagen oder zeigen gäbe, die sei aber nun (bald) vorbei.

Und frohe Weihnachten etc ...


das ist nur eine schnelle, grobe Zusammenfassung und Übersetzung von mir, wie ich das verstanden habe.
Muss nicht alles richtig sein, man möge mich ggf. konstruktiv verbessern, aber nicht festnageln.

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 13:04

Schade, DC 6 dauert dann ja noch etwas. Warum habe ich ab und an Hyroglyphen in dem text? Habt ihr das auch?
Gruss McFly

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »McFly« (22. Dezember 2012, 13:05)



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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 13:30

Also das mit den Lachmuskeln, neee :D
"tickle your funny bone" in diesem Zusammenhang würde ich eher übersetzen in die Richtung, dass beim Simmer alle richtigen Knöpfe gedrückt werden, dass der total aus dem Häuschen ist :)
Aber ansonsten, schöner Post von PMDG und gute Zusammenfassung von dir! :)
Freu mich schon aufs nächste Jahr :D


Always Check six!

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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 15:42

Nein Volker, das heißt es nicht. Es ist schon so gemeint, dass es Dich zum Lachen bringen soll, diese Phrase wird im amerikanischen Sprachgebrauch gern benutzt, mit eben der Bedeutung, dass diese Sache Dich zum Lachen bringen soll.
Viele Grüße

If in doubt mumble, if in trouble delegate!
ASUS P8Z77-V Pro, 16GB DIMM DDR3, i7-3770 OC 4,0 GHz, GTX 680 2 GB



wcf.user.posts: 3 620

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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 16:18

Hm stimmt, dann frag ich mich allerdings auch, was es heißen soll, weil das in dem Kontext dann nicht so gut passt wie das, was ich mir gedacht habe, das es heißt :D



  • »hasegawa« wurde gesperrt

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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 17:28

Mal sehen, was die DC-6 wirklich wird. Der Rest ist ja nur eine Fortschreibung und nicht wirklich neu.
Andreas R. Schmidt
Potsdam und Riga

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »hasegawa« (22. Dezember 2012, 17:39) aus folgendem Grund: Zu polemisch,



wcf.user.posts: 3 620

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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 20:43

So, wie man PMDG kennt, werden die alle Top-Qualität haben, da mache ich mir mal gar keine Illusionen :)


Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012, 09:39

Hier speziell neue Infos zur 777: How realistic will it be?

kurz gesagt: hochtechnischer Stoff ... :P

endlich Berliner! :lol:
i7 930@4.2Ghz WaKü, GTX 580 3GB, 12GbRAM1600, Win10 64 Prof


Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013, 20:02


Wird die PMDG 777 auch X-Plane kompatibel sein?? :flieger:

Gruss, Holmat
Gruß aus Luxemburg
Mathy Holweck :thumbup:

Installierte Addons: PMDG 747-400/800, PMDG MD 11, PMDG 737-800/900 ngx, demnächst: PMDG 777-200 LR (freu mich schon riesiig) :luxhello:
REX2, Frankfurt X, Hongkong KaiTak, Dusseldorf X, AES, IVAP (ivao), Flightsim Commander 9.2, Airbus X extended, Wilco Airbus Vol2,

Sytem: Windows 7 professional 64bit, Nvidia GTX 560, Ram: 12 GB, intel i5, Festplatte: 500 GB


Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013, 20:57

Ich glaub nicht, denn PMDG sagte sie wollen nach der 777 einen X-Plane Flieger entwickeln.

Endlich wird ja mal eine 777 entwickelt mein absoluter Lieblingsflieger. :luxhello:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »jug« (27. August 2013, 18:24)


Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013, 12:39

Es sind gerade neue Screenshots von der T7 erschienen.
Das kann nicht mehr lange dauern bis sie in BETA ist oder wenn sie dass nicht vielleicht schon ist.

Bilder gelöscht, da sie die maximale Größe überschritten!
Stattdesssen der Link zum entsprechenden Avsim- Thread:

Es grüßt Balu der Bär als Mod!



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Sonntag, 20. Januar 2013, 16:20

Denke mal August - September

Lg Chris

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Montag, 21. Januar 2013, 10:57

soweit ich das auf avisim verstanden habe ist die 777 bereits im Betatest. Es wurden auch schon entwickler abgezogen und dem 747 V2 projekt zugewiesen.

Denke es dauert nicht mehr lange.
Intel i7 3770K @ 4800, AsRock OC Formula 16 GB DDR3 1866 Mhz CL9 GSkill , 1x GTX770

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Montag, 21. Januar 2013, 13:06

Ich meine auch gelesen zu haben dass es schon im Frühjahr soweit sein soll. :)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Henrik :)


Montag, 21. Januar 2013, 16:05

Hier steht dass sie schon so gut wie fertig ist(bisschen weiter oben).


Montag, 21. Januar 2013, 17:03


Kurze Frage.

Wird nur die "Kleine" T7 umgesetzt oder kommt noch eine 300´er dazu?

...runter kommen SIE ALLE


Montag, 21. Januar 2013, 17:41

Es soll erst die 200LR kommen und dann wie bei der 737 als Expansion die 300ER