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Ich liebe solche Form von Sarkasmus, Gerhard! Bis dahin wird mit Sicherheit auch der Airbus von Airsimmer in der Advanced Version fertig sein.Wenn stimmt, was ich gerüchteweise gehört habe, bezieht sich "Next Level" auf die Holodecks, die ab 2073 auch für zu Hause auf den Markt kommen.
Der A380 erscheint dann zum Jubiläum "vor 25 Jahren wurde die letzte A380 bei der Lufthansa ausgemustert" in der Sonderedition "Flugzeuge, an die wir uns gerne erinnern".
Also habt noch ein wenig Geduld und fragt nicht jedes Jahr nach dem Release-Termin!
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DIDL« (30. September 2011, 20:03)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Boeing-737 Fan« (25. Oktober 2011, 16:48)
Um ehrlich zu sein, würde ich den NLS A380 mal aus den Augen verlieren... hat keinen Sinn ! Warte auf die CS 777 Pro, die wird ganz sicher EPISCH und vorallem wird sie auch was, in naher Zukunft.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Boeing-737 Fan« (25. Oktober 2011, 20:20)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »CallsignLH« (14. November 2011, 16:16)
Lebt der Entwickler noch? Zwei Minuten am Tag hier im Forum zu spenden ist wohl keine große Arbeit, um mal Auskunft über das Projekt zu geben.
Alright, here we go. I am indeed VERY sad to announce that we have to cancel the A380 for the time beeing. Its a very hard descision for me as the A380 has always been somewhat "my baby" and I have been working on it since 2007. But things are moving in a different direction now so I had to make a choice. I was always afraid to give up, having in mind the thousands of working hours that have gone into the project so far. Giving it up would make all of that worthless. I am very sorry to disappoint you people here - but I don't have a choice.
To be honest, I wasn't able to continue the project for the last 12-15 months because I have started out with a new business (doing film, commercials, features and 3d animation), I have invested a lot of money into a new studio, camera systems, stuff. That lays great pressure upon me, needing to get the business going. After all, flight simulation would not pay my bills. Not at this point.
I haven't talked to Chris Kögler, the systems programmer for quite a while, which was due to my lack of time, moving to the new office, working long hours - that made it get lost somehow. I will need to talk to him very soon about this descision but I am sure he sees it the same way. The discussion for cancelling the project had been up for quite a while.
So what now? The project had quite a lot of innovations and cool things in it - however, it's still far from beeing completed. The flight model is not done, the 3D model is in the middle of a big revision (wings, flight deck). The systems show a 100% accurate visual representation of the real thing, however, the systems core is virtually not there, due to the lack of a finalised flight model and physics system. Overall, it's far away from a releaseable version.
So why not pass the source files to someone else to continue? Of course, for you as a flight simmer, that would be the best way to go to keep up the hope of flying it one day. However, as a developer, who has put all of his heart and time into it over the past years, it's not that simple. I know, Chris will definetly not give away his source codes, since he has so many innovative and new things in it, that he had wrote/invented that I can understand, that he will not give them away just like that. For me, as a 3D artist it's also difficult, leaving your own work to someone elses hand.
We still have to decide what to do with all the material.
Still, I want to thank ALL OF YOU for the great support over the years. It has always been - and still is - a great motivation. And I am sorry that we cannot fulfill your expectations. However, I hope you understand our points.
Thank you,
Oliver Braun
Next Level Simulations
Es ist ja nun wieder ein halbes Jahr vergangen und ich habe einmal auf der Webseite von Next Level Simulation nach Neuigkeiten Ausschau gehalten. Leider tut sich da anscheinend nichts mehr und das Forum ist auch down. Aufgrund der letzten Aussage das man momentan aufgrund von beruflichen Tätigkeiten momentan nicht weiter am Airbus 380 arbeiten kann und der Tatsache das auch die Forenseite dicht ist, gehe ich einmal davon aus das der Projekt Airbus A380 weiterhin erste Wahl bleibt. Schade eigentlich, hatte aufgrund der professionellen Werbung von Next Level doch tatsächlich den Eindruck das da ein tolles Addon auf uns zu kommt.
Dass totgesagte länger Leben beweisen Dinge wie der X-Plane CRJ200 eindrucksvoll. Drum würd ich mich mit dem Pessimismus zurückhalten, bis es da ein offizielles Statement gibt. Klar, es ist naheliegend, aber den definitiven Tod des Projekts stellt der behandelnde Arzt oder Developer fest.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DIDL« (24. Mai 2013, 20:32)
Gerade auf Facebook gelesen…181439575254200Zitat
Alright. I have found out that I simply cannot let go of this. That means - we will carry on developing this A380! However:
- We will try to finish it. But we will not make any promises.
Especially on the systems side, its extremely complicated. There IS a
reason why no development team has achieved to develop a usable
realistic A380 simulation up to date. Because the A380 is simply
extremely complex.
- We will not make any statements on implemented features. I will try
our best to implement and develop as much as there is possible within
the limits of FSX and our abilities, but we will only know for sure in
the very end.
- We will not post any detail shots of the displays and systems until it
is finished. The technology used in programming them is quite
innovative and their visual appearance is 99,9% accurate in layout,
design, typo and colour compared to the real thing - so we simply don't
want competing developers to "steal" anything.
Time is a very limiting factor and even if there is loads of other work
that has to be done, I will try my best to find time to carry on with
this. But I know I would regret if I'd let go of it. There are so many
years and so much passion involved in developing this bird so I guess I
don't have any options
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »***chopsuey***« (1. Januar 2014, 19:39)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »DIDL« (1. Januar 2014, 20:57)
Quelle: FacebookZitat
you might have read before, we are considering to do a "basic" version
first. Later in the process there might be upgrades, etc. or some sort
of "pro" version.
Apart from all that: Regardless of how many
systems are simulated and how deep it will go - what you see is
visually nearly 100% accurate. That means no "fantasy-visuals" on
displays, etc. Thats our own goal.
However, we are interested
to know from you: What do you consider as absolutely neccesary to be in a
"basic" version? Which systems and features in particular?
Erinnert ja son bisschen an Airsimmer .
Meinte das nicht so das sie Abkassieren wollen , wie es Airsimmer gemacht hat .Zitat
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